How to root android phone without pc

root android without pc

The android operating system is an open-source platform and support root feature. It allows the developer to additional features on their phone by unlocking its various components. The rooted phone allows gaining access to more control over your phone. It gives a different look to the phone and makes it look like some other phone. The external operating systems can root android without pc more easily get installed in rooted phones. In maximum case, you need a PC to root the phone and get full access. But, there are still some apps that allow rooting android without PC. The app can make slight changes in the system software to unlock the root feature.

How does it work without a PC?

The app has some system crawling feature that allows to root android without PC. These apps also provide the un-root option to set your phone as usual before. You need a set of different software to flash root files for unlocking the root features. These apps are even dangerous because if your plan doesn’t go well, it can crash the software of your android phone. It is advisable to get an idea before rooting the device; otherwise, all your data will get lost. 

Must follow these instructions before rooting the phone:-

Verification:- You have to unlock the bootloader of the device by going to the official website of your mobile device. Suppose you are going an MI phone then go to the bootloader site and verify your device to allow permission from your phone company to grant root access. Usually, your consent gets accepted within a few hours.

Loss of warranty:- Note that your warranty period will go away after rooting the device. All the promises are valid for that phone that has not unlocked the bootloader and installed TWRP files.

Take a full backup: – Take a full backup of the files and folder available on your device. If by any chance your software gets an error or your phone gets formatted you can use the backup files to restore your phone.

Allow unknown sources:- Make sure to enable new beginnings as well as the developer mode of your phone. If you don’t help it, you will not be able to install the android application necessary for rooting the device.

Charge your phone:- The rooting process has no guarantee for time. It sometimes takes a long time to flash files. It sometimes takes a few hours to root the phone depending upon your android device. So make sure that you have more than 70% of battery on your phone before you start the rooting procedure. 

Requirements to root android without PC

  1. Third-party root .apk file
  2. SuperSU/Magisk manager

Methods to root android without PC:-

Using Farmroot:-

It is the most popular app for rooting an Android phone. Most of the handsets support root from this app but somehow some problems arise while rooting a new handset. All the courses of rooting the device take a few minutes to complete without doing damage to any software. It also has the feature of unrooting the phone.


Follow the steps below to root android without PC using Farmroot:-

Download Apk:- The app is not available in the play store to download, but you can download it from any other Apk market or website that provides the app.

  • Install Farmroot Apk:- Allow new services in the setting option of the app manager to install the .apk file without any issue. You have to install the app manually from the file manager available on your android phone.
  • Install SuperSu:- You also need to install SuperSu from the play store to let your system information details to the Farmroot app.
  •  Accessing:- Open the app after installation. It will display many characters inside the interface for rooting the device. You have to carry on with the hit and Trial method to check which name can be helpful to root your device. Each character will take some time to check if your device can be embedded or not. One of the Lord of the rings character will fit your phone and root your device successfully.
  • Reboot the device:- It will display a success message after rooting the device. It will also show a popup to reboot the machine to check the phone. Reboot your device to see the changes.
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2. Kingroot:-

It is another app that supports to root android phone without the need for PC. The app is the oldest rooting android apps that have positive reviews in rooting android applications. It is a Chinese app that detects your system profile and helps to root the device with one click. Follow the methods to root android without PC using Kingroot:-

  • Download the app:- This app is also not available in the play store. You need to download it manually from any other website that uploads all files.
  • Launch the app:- After install launch the app, it will show you a button written CLICK HERE TO ROOT. Click on the button, and it will take processing time up to 100% to complete your root.
  • Processing:- If your device is not compatible to support the root feature, then it gets cancel on the half percentage. You need to click on the start button again to start from the beginning. If the same happens more than two times means that, Kingroot will not be able to root your device. You have to try some other app.
  • Restart your device:- If your device gets successfully rooted, then click on the Reboot device to access the root feature.
  • Unroot device:- The app also allows you to unroot the machine again the same as that of Framroot. To unroot the app, you have to click on the Unroot button. It will take the same processing time up to 100% and unroot your device. You have to restart the phone to see the result.

Universal Androroot:-

This app is not such a popular app in the rooting device, but it may work if the above methods don’t work for your device. It is one of the oldest apps that can help to root android without PC. It works well on the old version of Android phones.

  • Install Universal AndroRoot:- Like the above two apps, this app is not available on the play store. You have to install it in the same process by downloading the .apk file from another website.
  • Launch the app:- On Launching the app it will show you with the option of phone details, IMEI number, system software version, etc. Go to the menu option and tap on root device.
  • Processing:- It will take some time to process root android without PC and show you a popup notification if you can root it or not. If it shows the yes button that means your device is now rooted. If it says no, then try a few more times to check. Again if it shows the same result then go for another app for rooting the device.

Install superSu:-

  • Sometimes, the root doesn’t work without extracting system identities. So install the Supersu app on your phone and restart your phone to access system caches. SuperSu makes it simple to unlock the root access. Now try rooting the phone by using and root.
  • Specify framework:- If it doesn’t show any response now, then Go back to the app again and choose to specify the framework menu from the Universal root app. It will check your device framework and display you a message if you can root android without PC or not.
  • Temporary root:– After extracting the firmware, you get the option for selecting a temporary and permanent source. If you choose the quick option, you can unroot your device again. Similarly, for clicking the permanent root option, your phone gets rooted permanently.
  • Success:- Rooting phone after installing Supersu is more safe and successful. Reboot the device after it shows a success notification.
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Using iRoot

It is the oldest method of rooting devices. Android version below five can be embedded using iRoot. It has high success rates for the old version of phones.

  • Download .apk:- It is among the Chinese app, and that first detects the system and identifies the possibility of rooting the device. It is also not available on the play store, and downloaded links are available on the app streaming website. The app will run in the latest version of android because they have more strong measures to get rooted in mobile apps.
  • Interface:- It has the option of roots, themes, and tools available to root android without PC. You can access these tools to get the weakness of an Android phone. You can get all the details about the firmware and kernel version just by downloading the app.
  • Root:- To root android without PC just tab on the root option. The app will take some time to process your request and show details if your device is eligible to grant root access or not. If you have an old version of Android, then there are higher chances to get the root access.

Virtual Xposed:-

It is the latest method to get root access on the phone. You can install a clone mobile device inside your android and access all the root features. You need a high RAM space to access the Xposed software. It is also supportive of g virtual root access even in Android 10 phones.

  • Root access:- You don’t have to root the device, but it creates a virtual machine that already has root access inside your android.
  • Accessibility:- Inside thee the Virtual Xposed app, you are free going enjoy any of the app blocked on Android phones. You can change themes and get the additional features to unlock inside the phone. It doesn’t work with the system, also known as systemless root. It is one of the latest methods to root android without PC.



  • What are the benefits of rooting an Android phone?


On rooting you can unlock many features on your android phone. A rooted phone allows you to install a new operating system, add extra elements of accessibility. You can also use system spoof software to change IMEI number, IP address, device ID, etc. You can also bypass many app restrictions after rooting your device.


Is it safe to root your android device?


The android platform doesn’t recommend to root any device. But, if you are doing, then you are taking your own jailbreaking risk for any damage happen to your phone. No rooted phone comes with an OS supported by Google. Your phone is maximum security in no inveterate condition. Adding an external operating system may contain malware and harm your data. So, it is not safe to root any android device.


Why are these apps not able to root the latest android version?


The apps have access to root android without PC. They are not suitable for all the latest android phones because the app is not upgrading regularly. One other reason is that new android phones are coming with more security features. It may be possible that the app can’t bypass those phones with new security measures.


Which app is best to root the latest phone without a PC?


Virtual Xposed is the only software that can provide an essential root clone feature on Android. It doesn’t manually root the phone so, you can’t install a new operating system, but instead, you can unlock various other features for bypassing most of the android app. The app creates a virtual phone inside your phone, where you can install the same app more than two times. You can run multiple accounts and do simple hacks very easily.


Can I also root the old version of Android?


So, You can root any android phone; all the apps mentioned above are best for rooting the old version of Android phones. These apps are running from ancient times so, and they have the feature to root the phone without connecting it to the PC. You can try any of the app ones after the other to check if it works with your device or not. All those apps work concerning the device model and android version. If you are rooting quite an old version of Android, then using iRoot and KingoRoot is best to use.


Can I unroot the phone again after rooting with that app?


So, Apps like Kingoroot and Farmroot have features to unroot the phone again, but an app like iRoot and Universal Android root supports both temporary and permanent rooting features. But, You need to choose the short root option while rooting the device to unroot the phone again.