How To Cite a Video Game

How To Cite a Video Game

The rising popularity of video games in coeval class has made such products a general source for researchers in several rules. In this case, the Modern Language Association does not provide explicitly quoted guidelines for such sources in any referencing style. So, students have to learn how to cite a video game in MLA. Then, this guide provides standardized in-text quotes and example-based reports, for example, list entry formats. Also, the guide explains the utility of footnotes in a simulation quote.

Creating guides MLA or APA citations for books and articles is a homely process for many students. However, you’ll be happy to know that the rules for citing a video game are very different from the guides you already know. It can be difficult for you to identify all the information that the legislator MLA and the APA have requested for quoting video games, especially if you are quoting web-based games. However, both guides are flexible and let you to delete any information that is not easily found.

It is not uncommon to mention in research papers on video games. Unfortunately, many of the more extensive citations for video game quotes have not yet created a specific format for use. Generally, you will be asked to comprise the same information as the quote from the computer software. Include what you think is essential to enable your readers to access your same game.

How do I cite a video game?

By following the guide given below, you can cite a video game:

  1. Start your citation with the creative company. A basic library entry in Chicago style will begin with the author’s name. For citation video games, the production company considers as the author of the work. Write a time at the end of the name of the production company.
  2. Provide a game title and version number. Type the motion title after a period. If you play a specific version of a game, include that number in the regular font after the game title. If you do not have a specific version number, go to the next item

Example: Rovio Entertainment. Angry Birds Transformers.

  1. Include information about platforms and publications. Enter the name of the production company with a comma again as the gamer publisher. Then add the publication year of the game. Type a time, then the platform on which you play the game.

Example: Rovio Entertainment. Angry Birds Transformers. V. 1.4.25. Rovi Entertainment, 2014. Android 4.0. or later.

  1. Close any report that may be important. If you have something topical to mention the game, you should include that report in your bibliography and footnote. This may include directors, voice actors, composers, designers, or others who have worked on the game.

Example: Rovio Entertainment. Angry Birds change. V. 1.4.25. Rovi sport, 2014. Android 4.0 or later. Soundtracks by Vince Dicola and Kenny Meredeth.

  1. Separate elements with commas instead of periods in the footnote. Put a script number at the end of a sentence in the game you specified outside of the last punctuation. Include information in your footnote as you enter your bibliography. However, you will use commas instead of separating elements with periods. However, the only period of your activity should be at the very end.
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Examples: Rovi Entertainment, Angry Birds change, vs. 1.4.25, Rovi sports, 2014, Android 4.0 or later, soundtrack by Vince Dicola and Kenny Meredith.

How do I cite a video game in MLA?

For knowing how to cite a video game, you have to know how to cite a video game in MLA.

  1. Start your task Cited entry with the title of the game. Type the title of the game as the title of the game appears on the screen. Use numbers where you play without spelling numbers. Put a period after the title of the game.

Example: Fortnite.

  1. Include version and platform. When you are citing a video game, the version of the game and the platform you play are usually the most significant information. Then allows your readers to access your same game, even if they have to play to retrieve the topics you’re talking about. Affix the year the game came out. Individual versions with commas, platforms, and years. Keep a time after year.

Example: Fortnite. Battle Royale Mode, PS4 Pro, 2017.

  1. Close with any extra information. At the end of your citation, affix any information related to citing the game. This may involve a designer, voice actor, or other person involved in the game’s production.

For example: if you discuss the “Fortnite” game score on your paper, you can affix the screen composer’s name to your worksheet entry: Fortnite. Battle Royal Mode, PS4 Pro, 2018. Toprak, Pinar, Composer.

Quoted format of legislators’ work:

Title of Game. Version, Platform, Year of Release. Extra news as Necessary.

  1. Use in-text citations to mention reciter to specific parts of the game. When you are talking about a video game’s content on your paper, textbooks are not usually needed. Your reciter already knows what game you’re talking about, and there are no pages you can use. However, you can use in-text citations if your reciters want to point to a specific level or part of a game.

For example, you might write, “Although Fortnite players have an arrogant right to reach higher levels, Epic Games has finally begun offering extra prizes (second season).”

How do I cite a video game in APA format? 

For knowing how to cite a video game, you have to know how to cite a video game in APM.

  1. List the title of the game and a description. Type the game’s title as it appears on the screen using regular fonts, same capitals, symbols, or numbers. However, type the space after the title ends, then affix the word “video game” to the square brackets. Put a period outside the closed brackets.

Example: God of War

  1. After the game is released, the game’s title may be on the screen, or you can search for it online. Keep the year in parentheses, leaving a period outside the closing parenthesis.

Example: God of War

. (2018).

  1. Include publisher name and location. For a video game, the publisher is the production industry. Then their names and the location of their main office may appear on the game’s title page, or you can find it on the production company’s website. Enter the location, then a colon, then the name of the invention company. Give a time with the name of the production company.
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Example: God of War

. (2018). San Mateo, CA: Sony Interactive Entertainment.

  1. You have to use the version number for in-text citations. Like other computer software, video games are often updated. Then the title of the game in your standard in-text quote and the year it was published, but you may have all or some of this information at the beginning of your paper. However, affix a version number to let the reciter know the specific iteration of the game you were playing.

If the game is get-at-able on multiple platforms, you can include the player you play in your text parenting quote.

Tips on Citing Other Sources

The ideal way to keep aside duplication is to cite your source. However, in-text is placed next to information citations or reconstructed in the main body of your paper. Complete paperwork is listed at the end of your paper as a reference or work reference. There are many citation styles, so make sure to use the one used by your program. Although librarians may not want to cite you from a specific source, they can help you use style manuals and other ways to find examples. However, here are some common citation styles to library organizations for help:

  • American Medical Association (AMA)
  • American Psychological Association (APA)
  • Chicago Manual of Style
  • Modern Language Society (MLA)


Note that fines for copying are intentional. However, copying at the time of dismissal for academic discipline or copying is not a defense. If you are not sure if a law has made a copy or have questions about the sources, you must ask a librarian.


APA reaffirms its position on violent video games and violent behavior

Answer: According to an updated resolution adopted by the APA (PDF, 60 KB), there is sufficient scientific evidence to support the causal link between violent video games and violent behavior.

However, the resolution said the APA would continue to work closely with school officials and community leaders to raise awareness.

Resolution on Violent Video Games

Answer: Studies conducted after using the 2005 APA resolution as an offensive concept and offensive effect have shown a direct effect on the use of violent video games.

This difference is also essential for considering the effects of the study and its interpretation of the study’s popular press accounts and its applicability to social events.

Are the titles of video games italicized or put in quotes in MLA format?

Answer: You will make sense of the video game’s title because it is the name of unique, self-contained work. However, a work that is like any book or movie, or painting is complete in itself. You also want to note the version of the game and what platform it was playing.

Conclusive Discussion:

Above all, we can hope that now you know all about how to cite a video game.  We tried and researched a lot to explain the whole thing and easily. If you have any questions, then feel free to knock us by the comment box. We will try to appreciate your queries.