Tips On How To Write An Essay On Technology

An Essay On Technology

A lot of students find it challenging to write an essay on technology. But then, this does not mean that it is not possible, especially if you have a sample. This sample can guide you to write a comprehensive and engaging piece on technology. In this blog, you will tips on how to write an essay on technology.

It is vital to know that technology covers a wide range of topics, and therefore, you have to narrow down the particular area or topic that you want to discuss. 

If you are writing an essay on technology, ensure you choose a reliable online writing help for college students. The paragraphs below will provide some useful tips to guide you when writing an essay.

#1. Determine The Type Of Essay

Your instructor determines the type of essay to write. However, there are some cases where you can decide which type of essay to write. This is a critical step as it affects the style of your essay. Take, for instance, if you want to write an argumentative essay, you must understand that your work must contain statements to support the main point mentioned in your introduction.

#2. Choose Suitable Topics

In general, you can select a topic for a technology essay from the following areas:

  • Communication 
  • Information Technology
  • Mobile Platforms
  • Security
  • Computer Engineering 
  • Websites design 
  • online trading 
  • Cryptocurrency 
  • Artificial intelligence 
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Also, to make your essay more specific, you can narrow down to a particular topic under the area you select. Below are some of the examples of technology essay topics:

  • The Effect Of Technology On Information Marketing
  • How To Use Technology In The Classroom 
  • The Impact Of Drones In Modern Warfare, etc. 

#3. Map Out Your Outline And Structure.

The next step to take after you choose a topic for your essay is to create an outline. This will help serves as a guide for your essay and helps you to develop and expand your ideas on each area. Also, ensure the topic you chose is not too broad for you to focus on and not narrow so you can get enough relevant ideas to get a good word count. 

Also, it is essential to carry out the necessary research to know whether your topic was suitable and to find enough crucial points and evidence. Once you have gathered enough information, you can continue writing the essay. 

For example, if you are writing on the Effects of Facebook ads on Marketing, your outline could include some of the following points below:

  • What is marketing 
  • Pros and cons of using Facebook ads 
  • Target Audiences
  • Time 
  • Developing your brand 
  • Earnings customers Loyalty
  • Challenges 

#4. Do Extensive Research.

Always ensure to conduct thorough research on the topic you are writing on. This can help you gather as much information as you can to include in your essay. Furthermore, you will also learn more about the technology itself and how it affects society.

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#5. Have An Introduction. 

The introduction of an essay helps capture the attention of your readers. Therefore you must make your introduction as catchy as possible to help keep people interested in reading your work 

#6 Develop A Thesis Statement And Strong Body Paragraphs.

A thesis statement helps you to write strong body paragraphs for your essay. It is essential to include it in your introduction because it holds the central argument in the topic. 

Also, the body of an essay is the main content as it elaborates further on the topic you are writing about. It is also crucial to begin each body paragraph with a topic sentence.

#7. Make Use Of Evidence To Support Your Essay

It is necessary when writing an essay on technology to use relevant illustrations and reliable statistics to support every idea that you present in your essay. This will help you put together a piece that is credible and reliable. Also, each of your points or statements would not be regarded as mere speculation, as they are supported by enough evidence and statistics from credible sources.

#8. End With A Conclusion 

You always make sure to conclude writing your essay by summarizing all the points explained in the body of the essay or with one or two paragraphs that tell your readers about something new or calls for action. A technology essay can inform your audience about something they did not know and draw attention to the global impact of technology in the world today. 

To summarise, all the tips above would help you to write a technology essay that your readers would find informative, engaging, and exciting. Always ensure to use scientific evidence from credible sources to support your points when writing a piece on technology.