Are you a self-proclaimed geek? If so, you’re not alone. About 60 million Americans possess the intellectual curiosity that is the hallmark of a geek.
Thankfully, being a geek or a nerd is no longer the social turn off that it once was. The geek has inherited the earth, after all.
If you’re proud to be a geek, then we’re here for you. We’ll even help you figure out where to go for your next vacation.
Read on as we look at some of the geekiest travel destinations in the world.
1. New Zealand
They say the world is split into two kinds of people. Those who’ve read The Lord of the Rings and those who are going to read it.
If you’re in the former camp, you probably dreamed of being able to visit Middle Earth. Okay, maybe not Mordor. The good news is, that you really can visit it.
The vast majority of the movies were shot in New Zealand. You can visit Hobbiton, Rivendell, and even Fangorn Forest.
2. Matmata, Tunisia
If you’re a Star Wars fan, then you need to visit Matmata.
Matmata is none other than the location used to portray Tatooine. You can visit the desert home where Luke Skywalker grew up, although the chances are he’ll have popped out to pick up some power converters.
Make sure you bring your sunscreen, even if Matmata sadly does only have one sun.
3. Redwood National and State Parks
If visiting Tatooine isn’t enough for you, how about a trip to Endor?
If you take a visit to Redwood National and State Parks, you’re getting two geek hits for the price of one. As well as being the scene of the stunning speeder bike scene from Return of the Jedi, it’s also where The Lost World: Jurassic Park was filmed.
4. Tokyo, Japan
If there is one city that could be called the geek capital of the world, it’s Tokyo.
Whether you’re a fan of cosplay, manga, or video games, there are so many things to do in Tokyo that will satisfy your inner geek. Just make sure you keep your eyes peeled for Godzilla.
5. Dubrovnik, Croatia
Did you cry when Game of Thrones ended? Was it because you were going to miss your favorite show, or just because of how bad the final season was?
Whatever the reason, if you loved the show then you need to visit Dubrovnik. It’s absolutely packed with locations you’ll recognize from Westeros, with the city itself being used to represent King’s Landing.
You can even find the amphitheater where The Mountain and Prince Oberyn had that spectacular fight. If that doesn’t make your eyes water, nothing will.
Looking for the Geekiest News?
Now you’ve learned about the geekiest travel destinations, you may be after some more geeky content.
If so, you’re in luck. Our site is packed with articles on all things tech-related and is guaranteed to satisfy the inner geek in all of us. We cover everything from Android to Web Development. Feel free to take a good look around.
Live long and prosper.