Whether you are a scholar or a white-collar, it does not matter; you can still find this article useful as it covers one of the most used file formats, Excel, PowerPoint, and GoGoPDF. Of course, most people are aware of the complex functions of Excel spreadsheets and PowerPoint presentations, but not much about the unsung PDF.
PDF is a long-existing electronic file that made a massive breakthrough in the computer file’s history. It made quite a revolutionary impact to create paperless offices and hassle-free document sharing and printing. This is the file format you want to switch on to when you need to send documents online.
How To Use The GoGoPDF Converter Tool
GoGoPDF gives off a delightful and vibrant introductory ambiance for you to have an optimistic head start in converting your files! Now, if you are searching for the most efficient PPT to PDF converter online, then you just found your answer. GoGoPDF is the all-in-one PDF converter instrument flexible enough to uncover your PDF’s full potential.
GoGoPDF’s converter works double-sided; you can convert your several file formats to PDF and the other way around. For example, here are the file formats you can convert from PDF: PDF/A, PNG, JPG, Word, Excel, and PPT. Now, these are the file formats you can convert to PDF: HTML, PPT, Excel, Word, and JPG. Learn these simple steps to learn how to convert to PDF:
- Visit the GoGoPDF home page and choose your preferred PDF conversion. For this example, click the PPT to PDF.
- Locate your PowerPoint presentation and upload it to the GoGoPDF converter tool. A colorful loading meter will appear as it uploads the file.
- Another fast, colorful loading meter will load as it converts your PPT to PDF.
- Your PPT file is now converted to PDF! Start downloading by clicking the “Download” button or simply copy the URL for social media sharing.
Why Convert PowerPoint To PDF
You are probably making product presentations, business proposal, or marketing strategies and found yourself hitting a wall after being unable to upload it via email. The commonly used webmail platforms such as Gmail, Hotmail, and YahooMail, have limited capacity to upload and transmit files online. Even in private company emails, the same limits apply.
Provided that PowerPoint presentations generally have animations, graphic texts, high-definition images, audios, and videos involved, you cannot expect a low-sized file. This is the primary reason why we convert PPT to PDF, to upload and transmit presentations faster and easier.
Why Convert Excel To PDF
If you have received an Excel spreadsheet from your direct superior with major complications due to Excel version differences, you definitely need to convert it to PDF. Uniformity and compatibility issues are the common factors contributing to why you should convert Excel files to PDF. Print layouts of Excel are tricky to understand, even for intermediate users.
You can quickly agree when we say that Excel spreadsheets are sometimes challenging to print. On the other hand, PDFs are the most suitable file formats for printing. Whether you are using a computer, laptop, or cellular phone, you can gain full access to viewing your PDFs. For Excel, you have to pre-install a full Excel program before you can view them.
Takeaway of GoGoPDF
So if you currently have Excel to PDF and PPT to PDF problems, try GoGoPDF and solve them right away. The main advantage of online tools such as GoGoPDF is that it saves your time and efforts from being wasted as they also understand their importance. Learn to maximize these convenient tools and spend your time wisely.