bluestacks 3-How to install and configure

bluestacks 3

 what is Bluestacks?

Bluestacks is a PC emulator that lets you do a lot of things on your computer, similar to those you can do on your phone. This might be a little tricky, but I will explain it in simple terms that you can get in just a few. When you think about smartphones and PCs, there is no much difference in computing as they can get almost similar things done. However, there is a difference when it comes to the type of operating systems they are using. For instance, in the market today, you will find the majority number of PCs are using bluestacks 3 Windows operating system, and several phones are using Android.

The only issue with the Android operating system is that the framework cannot be used in a PC. Most people wish that this was possible that they can have all their favorite mobile apps and games on PC, but that cannot work by using the Windows operating system. However, there is some light at the end of the tunnel as there is software that you can use to be able to have the mobile apps on your PC.


What emulators generally do is make the host system to behave like a guest system. There are different kinds of emulators that you can use, including the NoxPlayer, Dolphin, Bluestacks, Q, StyleTaP, and many more you can choose from. In this article, we will discuss Bluestacks 3, which is a newer version of Bluestacks. We will highlight how to download and install Bluestacks 3 and also how you can configure it. Also, we will highlight some features of Bluestacks 3 and the advantages and disadvantages of having this kind of emulator on your PC.


Before installing Bluestacks 3, you will first have to download the software to your PC. To download Bluestacks 3, you will need to use your browser and search for Bluestacks 3 download. It’s always ideal to use the first result as that is the site that most people are using to download. You can follow their instructions as per the site and start downloading Bluestacks 3 to your PC.

Once the download is done, it is time to begin installing this software on your computer. Installing Bluestacks 3 is very simple; all you need to do is go to software setup and click on it and then a prompt will come requesting you to run it. Once you give it this permission, Bluestacks 3 will now start installing it immediately. It might take a couple of seconds or minutes to install this software to your PC fully, and then you will be ready to go. The thing about this software is you will able to access all the apps from Google Play Store and even use them comfortably on your PC.

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It’s essential you learn how to configure Bluestacks 3, as this will help you in improving your experience with Bluestacks. Also, this configuration enables you to be able to tailor Bluestacks 3 in a way that suits you efficiently. Firstly, you will open the app, and here you will see everything straight forward as there is an area you can find your apps.

Here you can configure whatever display you want to and then restart the engine to make the configurations effective. 

There is also another configuration called the Engine located just below the display. The Engine allows you to change the Graphics mode on Bluestacks 3. The Boss key configuration will enable you to either show or hide Bluestacks using the Ctrl+Alt+ any alphabetical key that you prefer. At the Notifications here, you will be able to configure how to manage notifications on Bluestacks 3. At the Preferences configuration, you will be able to configure the language you want and also to add desktop icons for the apps installed.


 The good thing about having updates is your Bluestacks will always have the latest capabilities, performance, and stability. These are the few configurations that you can make on Bluestacks 3, and once all these are configured, you can now start using Bluestacks. 

At the home page, you will be able to access the Google Play Store, where you can download apps and games. At the store, there is no difference like using the one on your phone as you have the search engine, which lets you look for the apps you want. When you get the app, you can click on download, and the download will begin. Once you install the apps, you can now start using the app just as you do on the phone. This is one thing that when I did find out about it, I have not stopped using it since then.



One remarkable feature in Bluestacks 3 is the simultaneous multiple windows gaming. This is an impressive feature as it allows you to run the same application at the same time. I have tried the feature on many games, and I seem to be enjoying it all the time. This feature even allows you to be able to reach new heights in different games as the windows can aid you in doing this.


There is another feature added in Bluestacks 3 is a new chat feature, which is excellent, and it offers you a lot of possibilities. The chat feature allows you to chat with friends or even other players. There are di9fferent chap apps that you can choose from to chat with your friends while playing games. 


This third version of Bluestacks came a bit different compared to the earlier ones we had seen. The platform is fantastic, and there are no lags experienced, which is a significant improvement from earlier versions.

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The other feature I did notice while using the Bluestacks 3 is the ease you get of playing games. Playing Android games on Bluestacks 3 is a breeze as you can easily use your mouse and the keyboard, which is flexible. You also get the chance to easily switch different games at the same time, which I think is so amazing. If you’ve wished to play your favorite Android game on PC, then this is the perfect time to do so.



The one advantage of using the Bluestacks 3 is the simple user interface that the emulator has. A simple user interface is essential as it allows you to navigate without much struggle through the website easily. 


The other advantage of the Bluestacks 3 is that it personalizes your game suggestions and you get only the games you like. The App Center is so excellent, and you can now be getting all the games that you only like. This is like a filtering system where you don’t have to go through a bunch of games that you might not be liking at all. This personal game suggestion is excellent, and I think it certainly works better.


If you are used to playing games on your phone, you only have one limitation, and that is the screen size. If your computer has better graphics, this can be added advantage as the Android games you will be playing will display so well. There is a whole screen you get from using your PC as this is bigger than your phone’s screen. This advantage is fantastic as it can improve your gaming or anything else that can make you productive.


This advantage should be at the top of the list. Setting up Bluestacks 3 is so simple, and it does not require so much before you start using it. Once you fill in your Google account, you will be ready to start downloading apps and games and begin playing.



One thing that you will note when using the Bluestacks is that your PC will start slowing down. Bluestacks 3 uses a lot of RAM, thus increasing the CPU usage, which in turn slows down your PC functions. 


You will also notice that Bluestacks 3 is very slow as it stimulates both the hardware and the software. You might run into this issue when playing games and ding other things, which is not fun at all.


To conclude, we have highlighted how to install and configure Bluestacks 3 on your PC. This article has briefly highlighted what an emulator is some of its features plus the advantages and disadvantages. I hope the info helps when considering using Bluestacks 3.


What is Bluestacks 3?

This is a software emulator that lets you run a different operating system on a different host. It does so by emulating another type of environment.

What are the PC requirements to install Bluestacks?

Your PC needs to have a 2GB of RAM and above 4GB of storage in your disk.

What is the latest version of Bluestacks?

Bluestacks 4 is the recently released version of Bluestacks.