ICD 10 Code For Constipation Due To Medication

icd 10 code for constipation

The problem of constipation is mostly due to an unplanned diet, irregular eating habits. However, in some cases, this problem is hereditary. So, today we will talk about ICD 10 code for constipation.

Suppose proper measures or precautions are not taken in time for constipation. It increases the chances of colon cancer many times over. As a result of constipation, stool cannot be excreted normally from the body every day. 

Even when eating something on a full stomach, there is always a fear. Let’s take a look at the reasons for the problem of constipation.

Causes of constipation:

  • Dehydration
  • Eat less fiber or fiber foods, vegetables, and fruits.
  • If there is a tumor in the brain and bleeding in the brain.
  • If you do not do physical work, walking, or exercise at all. 
  • As a result of excessive anxiety or depression.
  • Cancer
  • If you have been bedridden for a long time due to any illness.
  • Diabetes.
  • Many people can increase constipation by eating too many dairy foods such as lamb, cheese, etc.

So, let’s know more about ICD 10 code for constipation.


ICD 10 code for constipation

ICD is the medical classification for coding in morbidity and mortality propose. And it recommends by the WHO.

It classifies diseases and signs, symptoms, traumatic injuries, poisonings, social circumstances, and external causes of injury.

It publishes by the World Health Organization (WHO). And it uses worldwide to register causes of morbidity. And mortality affecting the field of medicine. (n)

The ICD 10 code is not responsible for the content of the current ICD. And its various revisions, which reflect the state of knowledge. Also, its representations subject to international consensus at the time of their publication.


The history of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD) began in 1891. When the International Statistical Institute appointed a committee chaired by J. Bertillon, Head of Statistical Works of the City of Paris. They prepare a classification of death causes. (n)

This classification was the subject of five decennial revisions until 1938. The sixth revision in 1948 became the International Statistical Classification of Diseases, Injuries, and Causes of Death. It expired to list only death causes to focus more generally on morbidity. (n)

The ICD design to “allow systematic analysis, interpretation. And a comparison of mortality and morbidity data collected in different countries. Or regions at different times.”The ICD assigns listed diseases an alphanumeric code of three to five characters.

9th revision

Since ICD-9 came into being in 1975, ICD-10 broke the ten-year pace of revisions. One of the reasons is the importance of the changes. WHO had predicted that updates would replace the ten-year reviews. It first published in 1996, followed by others on an annual basis. (n)

ICD 9 has approximately 5,000 codes. These are divided into 17 chapters relating to death’s medical causes. ICD 9 use to code deaths from 1979 to 1999.


Find out more about ICD 10 code for constipation

To prepare the field cases in the different countries. The translation of ICD 11 is carried out via a translation platform. That allows multiple translators’ simultaneous work. With source traceability, as well as the optional reuse of translations. It already proposed for expressions previously used.


10 foods for constipation


In worldwide, one in three men and one in two women suffer from temporary constipation. Having occasional constipation problems is never funny already. Because it makes the belly super swollen, and also, it can hurt a lot. (n)

We all know the best way to fight constipation naturally: it is to consume fiber! Already, because they known to boost even the laziest transits. If we consume a lot of water at the same time. The fiber-water mixture will create a mass. That will descend more easily towards the colon to be evacuated. (n)

You can get rid of constipation with these foods. So, you might have to start by knowing the foods that contain the most! That’s why CuisineAZ made the list of the ten best foods for constipation. (n)

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Legumes such as lentils, chickpeas, split peas, kidney beans, white beans are good for our stomach. Or beans particularly recommend in case of constipation. Even if we are not crazy about split peas. When our transit is down, we exchange the starchy foods on our plates for pulses!


In case of constipation, it is advisable to consume vegetables rich in fiber to facilitate transit. We find spinach, beetroot, fennel, celery, endive, or peas among the best anti-constipation vegetables. During digestion, the fibers they contain will fill up with water, which will facilitate intestinal transit. (n)

Red fruits

And some other fresh fruits are also great for lazy transit. Logical when you think about it. The fibers they contain are fibers that have the particularity of swelling by absorbing the water. That is present in the digestive tract. (n)

And suddenly, to increase the volume of stool and facilitate transit! Among the most effective anti-constipation fruits. We find, in addition to red fruits: plums, kiwi, passion fruit, grapes, guava. Warning: it is important to eat them with the skin on and eat their seeds and seeds! (n)

Olive oil

Olive oil is a 100% effective grandmother’s remedy to fight against constipation. We will swallow a tablespoon of plain olive oil (possibly with the juice of 1/2 lemon). Weird? Not that much! Olive oil contains olein, a substance with purgative properties. Which has the particularity of softening the stools and facilitating their evacuation. As a result, olive oil is a little-known laxative but very effective. Not very glam, but it works! (n)


There are two reasons why prunes and dried fruits. In general, dried apricots, figs or walnuts, are excellent anti-constipation foods. The first: they are very rich in fiber, magnesium, and mineral salts. (n)

The second: contain sorbitol, a type of sugar that allows the intestine to contract well to pass stool more easily. Dried fruits are natural laxatives. Don’t forget in case of constipation! But beware: quite rich in calories, it is better to consume them in small handfuls, sparingly! (n)

The water

When we suffer from constipation, we tend to focus on foods that may or may not improve our transit. But hydration also plays a very important role! Indeed, in the case of lazy transit, it is essential to hydrate. And drink at least 6 to 8 glasses of water per day. 

Also, waters are rich in magnesium. And yes: magnesium allows the muscles to relax, which here will facilitate the evacuation of stool. (n)

Dandelion tea

The doctor recommended dandelion tea in cases of occasional constipation because it has mildly laxative properties. It is ideal for regaining regular transit in a short time! 

On the preparation side, it’s very simple. Suppose you want to enjoy the benefits of dandelion. Steep one teaspoon of dried dandelion roots in a cup of boiling water. We drink this laxative herbal tea morning, noon and night! (n)

Flax seeds

When our transit is to absent subscribers, it is more than recommended to sprinkle your meals with flax seeds. Indeed, these small seeds with many health benefits have, among other things. The particularity of having a very effective laxative effect! Another way to consume them. Soak two tablespoons of flax seeds in ½ glass of water in the evening. And mix them in yogurt the next day. (n)

Oat bran

Oat bran, we often talk about its appetite suppressant and slimming properties, but less about its laxative properties. Well, it’s indeed a little less sexy, but still, it’s devilishly practical in case of constipation! It is very rich in fiber. Oat bran works a bit like a sponge. In our digestive tract, it absorbs water and will make the stools softer and easier to evacuate. Also, you can use it to sprinkle in yogurts, salads, compotes. (n)

Orange juice

Another anti-constipation grandmother’s tip is orange juice. Suppose you are not very into olive oil, in the morning, on an empty stomach. You will then drink a large glass of squeezed orange juice (homemade, of course.). Citrus fruits renowned for their richness in insoluble fibers and orange juice will be perfect for unblocking our transit gently. To start the day in style!

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It defined as difficulty while passing stool. It often has several causes: lack of physical activity, a diet low in fiber, and insufficient hydration. However, it can also linked to a change in lifestyle or diet, mental problems, stress, or stopping smoking. People over 55 said to five times more likely to suffer from constipation than younger adults. (n)



Constipation occurs when the frequency of bowel movements is less than three per week. Some people have a bowel movement only twice a week and feel perfectly comfortable. That is why we only speak of constipation if it causes an unpleasant feeling. Like heaviness, stomach cramps, bloating, or pain when defecating. (n)

Indeed, during these episodes, the stools are often hard, dry, and difficult to evacuate. Constipation sometimes causes the periodic release of thin, watery mucus called false diarrhea. Stool water and intestinal secretions are passed out in liquid form instead of being absorbed by the colon. If there are hemorrhoids, dry stools can cause them to bleed. The blood in the stool is considered a warning sign. (n)



In Western countries, the number of people suffering from chronic constipation. It is estimated between 3 and 5% of the adult population. Occasional constipation is even more common.

People over 55 have five times more likely to suffer from constipation than younger adults. (n)



Although unpleasant, constipation is usually harmless. However, difficulty in having a bowel movement can lead to hemorrhoid attacks. In people of a certain age, chronic constipation can raise concerns about intestinal obstruction.


FAQ of ICD 10 code for constipation

  1. What is the best way to consume oatmeal?

With water, the oatmeal is prepared in a similar way to tea. Bring the water to a boil in a pot and add the amount of oatmeal you like. Let it fall apart and consume it like baby porridge. Add cinnamon, vanilla sugar, or a teaspoon of honey and the fruits you like the most. (n)


  1. What is a stool softener?

Stool softeners are used short-term to relieve constipation. These symptoms are found in those who must avoid straining during bowel movements. As they suffer from heart disease, hemorrhoids, and other problems. (n)


  1. What if you eat oatmeal every day?

Consuming oatmeal brings several health benefits. It helps lower cholesterol, promotes weight loss, and more. Oatmeal is one of everyone’s favorite cereals because it is inexpensive. Also, it is quick to prepare and can be accompanied by almost any food. And you can eat it at any time of the day. (n)


  1. How to make oatmeal with lemon to lose weight?

Recipe for oatmeal water with lemon

After 5 minutes, it is necessary to strain the oats and pour them into the blender. In which you must also add the juice of two lemons and a liter of water. Finally, the ingredients must be liquefied. And poured it into a container to be taken preferably on an empty stomach. (n)


Conclusion of ICD 10 code for constipation

However, the side effects of various medications can sometimes cause constipation. Like Painkilles, high blood pressure, gastric, and explosive drugs can also cause this problem to settle in the body. (n)

Besides, medications that contain minerals such as iron, calcium, and aluminum. These can increase the risk of constipation. Also, constipation can cause by a variety of neurological or hormonal problems. However, long-term kidney problems or thyroid problems also can cause constipation.