How Long Does Stomach Flu Last? – Symptoms

how long does stomach flu last

Here are some explanations to better understand how long does stomach flu lasts. And how to protect yourself from this disease. But at first, we have to know what is stomach flu or viral gastroenteritis?

It is a viral and seasonal disease that causes inflammation of the digestive tract. There are different kinds of viruses that can be the cause. Such as rotaviruses, noroviruses, astroviruses and adenoviruses. The virus multiplies in the small intestine. There is no specific medication for this flu that has nothing to do with the classic flu. Still, some acceptable practices like taking probiotics in high concentrations can help overcome it.

Let’s take a look at what distinguishes the different types of flu that can affect us.

Do not confuse stomach flu and respiratory flu (influenza virus). So, lets know more how long does stomach flu last.


How long does stomach flu last

Stomach flu often refers to a period of gastroenteritis. Which is swelling of the lining of the stomach that various factors can cause. These include consuming contaminated water or food. Also, sharing food or drink with someone already suffering from the stomach flu. n

Consuming raw fruits and vegetables, or even having contact with them. Something that a person with the virus or bacteria has touched. You have to put your hand to your mouth. And you are contaminated in your turn. You can probably imagine that this is very common in children.

Some populations are more prone to stomach flu. Especially the elderly, people with weakened immune systems, and children. These groups are the most at risk.


Food poisoning and stomach flu: what’s the difference?

Food poisoning is often caused by norovirus. Failure to take action to neutralize it. This extremely contagious microbe has the power to knock out every soldier in a military platoon. Passengers on a cruise ship, or students in an entire class. 

Norovirus can survive for up to 14 days. So it should come as no surprise to sometimes witness. A sudden outbreak that seems to have come out of nowhere. n

Norovirus associats with food poisoning because it most often travels. Through foods contaminated with the virus. It is estimated that the latter is the cause of more than 19 million stomach flu cases each year. 


Common symptoms of stomach flu

Stomach flu, while sometimes unforgiving in the severity of its symptoms, is a temporary situation. It is often accompanied by some or even all of the following symptoms:

  • Stomach pain or cramps
  • Diarrhea
  • Loss of appetite
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Fever 
  •  Chills 
  •  Muscle aches
  •  Headache

Some of these manifestations may side reactions to the stomach flu. For example, it is not uncommon for excessive fluid loss caused by vomiting or diarrhea to lead to dehydration. Vomiting or diarrhea can also get worse if there is an imbalance of electrolytes. Then, there follows an endless cycle that is even more damaging. n

When it is impossible to maintain adequate hydration levels under such conditions. Headache or fever are also reactions to be expected. n


How to treat stomach flu with natural remedies?

There are numerous ways to endure and treat stomach flu. Suppose you have a penchant for more natural approaches without side effects. In that case, you will undoubtedly be happy to learn that there are some proven solutions. To help you overcome an episode of gastroenteritis. n

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Get some rest

This first tip, while easy for some to follow, can be a challenge for others. During a stomach flu episode, you should give yourself as much rest as possible. Because the virus needs time to find its way out. Relaxation and sleep will allow your immune system. It is to refine its weapons to n overcome invaders. Cure the infection and get you back on your feet.

Medicinal plants

There aren’t necessarily many traditional treatment options for overcoming stomach flu, and they have their limitations. Do not hesitate to associate it with herbal medicine. Herbal teas are great for relieving gastrointestinal discomfort: peppermint, ginger, chamomile, and mint are all allies you should not overlook. n

Echinacea has proven itself in clinical settings; it is instrumental in boosting the immune system’s capacity and improving digestive health. Knowing that immunity and digestion are near interconnected (80% of our immune system resides in the digestive tract). It is logical to think that by stimulating one. We also encourage the other. More than twenty exclusive clinical studies are prepared from fresh (and not dried) elements of the plant; it acts more in-depth, and its therapeutic spectrum is more expansive. Its effects are truly remarkable in restoring immune function.

BRAT diets

The popularity of the “Bananas, Rice, Applesauce and Toast”diet, also known by the acronym BRAT. These (Bananas – Rice – Applesauce – Toast), appears to fluctuate with expert opinion. But you can always trust it when you are in the throes of tormented digestion. To calm things down, each of these foods can be of great help when no cure seems to exist.

The BRAT diet is beneficial for children, but it can also be useful for adults. These foods can be easy to digest and can help control bowel movements.

You are indeed the best person to assess what “goes”or not during an episode of stomach flu; be aware, however, that these foods and drinks may

  • Alcohol
  • Sugar
  • Dairy products
  • Spicy or fried foods
  • Stay hydrated

It must compensate for any loss of fluid! From the start to the end of an episode of stomach flu. You should ensure that you are getting enough fluids that your body gets rid of despite itself. It may seem like defying logic since you may need to walk a few more trips n to the bathroom. But the goal is to avoid dehydration.

To help stabilize your electrolyte levels and maintain your fluid balance. Nothing better than a good homemade bone broth. To make it easier to drink, pour it into a large cup and sip it quietly.

If it’s your little one who caught a bad stomach ache, n have a solution like Pedialyte on hand. It is to keep him from dehydrating and replacing his electrolytes.


How to protect yourself against stomach flu and stop it from spreading?

Hand washing is the simplest – but also the most profitable. It is to protect yourself when caring for someone with stomach flu. Or to stop the spread of the disease. I like to pour a few drops of melaleuca oil into my hand soap dispenser to kill the nasty germs. The stomach flu is very contagious. And it is most often spread by contact of people. Even When a person touches a contaminated object. n

If you live with someone suffering from gastroenteritis. Be sure to clean the surfaces well. Keep in mind, clean it with a disinfectant solution to eliminate viruses and bacteria. Certain essential oils (mixed with a primary product in a spray bottle) can help eliminate these infectious agents.

Make wise food choices and, as much as possible. So, pay attention to preparation methods.

Throw away any contaminated items to reduce the risk of spreading the disease to others. In all cases, avoid consuming foods prepared by someone with the disease. If you are the one who is sick, do not cook meals for other people for at least two or three days. While your stomach flu goes down you can cooking for others. n

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Inform those around you of the situation to take the necessary precautions to avoid contact with the affected person.


Rotavirus, norovirus, astrovirus, and adenovirus, do you know?

Rotaviruses cause half of all cases of gastroenteritis. They are the cause of winter epidemics, most often in children.

Noroviruses cause epidemics of gastroenteritis of food or water origin, most often in adults. It is a virus that survives all year round. Because it resists temperatures from 0 to 60 degrees. And both in aquatic environments and on supports. n

Noroviruses and rotaviruses can be found on the hands, for example, which can become a contamination source.

Astroviruses, also responsible for viral gastroenteritis, is n often found in fragile people. Such as children, the elderly, and people with immune weaknesses.

Adenoviruses are non-seasonal, most often in children under two years of age. n


What to do after viral gastroenteritis: How long does stomach flu last?

It is recommended to rebalance your intestinal flora with a high concentration macrobiotic treatment. It is to effectively n replace the beneficial bacteria destroyed by the disease. Help the digestive walls to stop inflammation. Restore useful digestive function and avoid persistent fatigue. n

You are finally ready: armed with soaps and disinfectants to clean everything. Boiling water to cook, and probiotics to prepare or repair you !!!

Stomach and gastrointestinal flu: a difference?

Among all the winter diseases of which we are the victims, it is sometimes difficult to navigate! Bronchitis, sinusitis, colds, tonsillitis, flu, gastric. Besides, do you know each of these diseases precisely?  n Some are quite similar, such as stomach flu and gastroenteritis. Their symptoms are the same (diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, dehydration), but their origin is different. Stomach flu is caused by infection with a virus. While a virus or bacteria can cause stomach flu. n



FAQ of how long does stomach flu last

  1. How do you catch stomach flu?

There are two possibilities:

Most often by direct contact, from person to person, through the hands, toilets. And objects such as insufficiently washed door handles. For example, we speak of the fecal-oral route. Or by indirect contact, following the consumption of contaminated food. Such as water or poorly washed raw food. n

  1. How to strengthen your immunity and avoid stomach flu?

It is essential to recharge your intestinal flora with a high concentration macrobiotic treatment. Strengthening your immunity by diversifying the intestinal bacteria. Also, improving its barrier functions, and promoting better digestion. n

Eating balanced and seasonal is essential and without forgetting vitamin C in the morning for breakfast. n

  1. What are the symptoms of stomach flu?

Symptoms are acute digestive disturbances such as nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, bloating, and diarrhea, sometimes accompanied by fever.

  1. How long does stomach flu last?

The average duration is three days, but it can vary significantly depending on the virus in question. n

  1. What is the contagion period?

The contagion period lasts for incubation, which varies from 24 to 72 hours and persists throughout the symptoms. n

  1. What should you avoid during this illness?

Be careful not to get dehydrated, the main complication. n

  1. What is the essential reflex?

It would help if you often drank but in small quantities:

  1. Water, drinks containing mineral salts, rehydration drinks, broths or soups of fresh vegetables, tea, and herbal teas.
  2. Avoid sugar, chocolate, caffeine, alcohol, dairy products, fatty or spicy foods.
  3. Reintroduce foods gradually, starting with simple, low-fiber foods such as bread, boiled potatoes, and white rice.



Conclusion of how long does stomach flu last

Stomach flu is contagious. It is resulting in an infection of the digestive system by a virus or a bacterium. This flu can affect anyone and is not necessarily the target of choice. The symptoms of stomach flu are numerous, so we have to be careful all the time. 

Stomach flu is intense but often very short-lived. Indeed, it does not last more than a week, generally between 1 to 3 days. If you have gastro, that’s the story of a few days!

The flu attacks the respiratory system. And yet we are talking about stomach flu. What is it? Is it related to gastro? Well, the flu virus is not the cause of stomach flu. The stomach flu is close to the flu in its symptoms (fever, nausea). But the virus that is responsible for stomach flu happens to be rotavirus. To be precise, stomach flu should be called viral gastroenteritis. Stomach flu and gastrointestinal flu: it’s the same thing!

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