c programming interview questions to get a job

c programming interview questions

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Dennis Ritchie of Bell Labs created the C programming language between 1969 and 1973. He used this new programming language to re-implement the UNIX working framework.c programming interview questions

C is a high-level organization’s programming language for organizing a wide range of useful programming necessities. Fundamentally speaking, C is a combination of its library capacity. The same applies to works containing customer characteristics c programming interview questions, and merge them into the C library.

The main uses of the C programming language include language compilers, operating systems, assemblers, text editors, spoolers, network drivers, modern programs, databases, language interpreters, and utilities.

The most common C programming interview questions

it has started.

Q # 1) What is the focus of the C programming language?

Answer: The functions are as follows:

Compact: This is an autonomous language on stage.


Scalability: May include new features for software engineers.

Question # 2) What are the basic types of information related to C?


Integer – stands for number (integer)

Buoys-numbers with separated parts.

Double-double precision drift point estimation

Grilled – single character

Invalid-special cause type with no value.

Question # 3) What is the description of punctuation errors?

Answer: Errors/errors occur when writing a program call syntax errors. Misspelled commands or commands in basic situations, an incorrect number of parameters in calling technology/work, confusing information types, etc. can all be recognized as conventional models with incorrect sentence structure.

Q # 4) What is the procedure for using C to add and subtract?

A: There are two potential strategies for this work.

Use increase (++) and decrease (-) administrators.

The model returns x 5 when x = 4, and brings x back to 3.

Use the traditional + or – symbol.

When x = 4, the model uses x + 1 to obtain 5, and x-1 to obtain 3.

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Model: void, returns an int.

Q # 6) What is the description of the dangling pointer in C language?

Answer: If there is a pointer that highlights the memory address of any factor, but after a period of time, delete the variable from the memory area while keeping the pointer highlighting the area, it is called a dangling pointer in C.

Question # 7) Describe static capacity and its use?

Answer: The capacity with a capacity definition and a static slogan is the static capacity. The static capacity should be called in similar source code.

Q # 8) What is the comparison between the capacity of abs () and fabs ()?

Answer: Both abilities are designed to restore total value. Abs () is used for integer mass, and fabs () is used for inertial type numbers. The model of abs () is under the library document <stdlib.h>, and fabs () is under <math.h>.

Q # 9) Does C describe wild pointers?

Answer: Uninitialized pointers in C code are called “wild pointers.” They point to some custom storage areas and can cause terrible program execution or program crashes.

Question # 10) What is the comparison between ++ a and a ++?

Answer: “++ a” is called a prefix increase, and the addition will occur on the variable first. “A ++” is called a suffix increase, and the addition occurs after the variable estimated for activity.

Question # 11) Describe the contrast between the = and == images in C programming?

Answer: “==” is a correlation manager, used to consider the value or pronunciation on the left and the value of pronunciation on the right.

“=” Is the task manager and is used to assign the estimated value on the right to the variable on the left.

Question # 12) What is the description of the model capacity in C?

A: Prototyping is a statement of the ability of the compiler to carry data.

Capacity name.

The arrival of capacity sorted.

The capacity parameter is reduced.

Model capacity in C

In this model, the name of the capacity is Sum, and the arrival type is an integer information type, which confirms two numeric parameters.

Question # 13) What is the clarification of the circular concept of information types in C?

Answer: When the engineer issues awards outside the scope of information types, certain information types in C have a unique trademark nature. There will be no compiler errors, and the value of the cycle request will change. This is called cyclic nature. Singe, int, long int information types have this attribute. Further buoys, bidirectional, and bidirectional long message types do not have this attribute.

Question # 14) Describe the header file and its usage in C programming?

Answer: The document that contains the definition and model of the capacity used in the program is called the header record. Otherwise, it is called a library record.

Model: The header file contains commands like printf and scanf from the studio library record.

Q # 15) How does this affect when troubleshooting?

A: This idea has been pointed out that this is the best way to get rid of certain codes that filter out possible explanations behind the errors. In addition, in this case, the code is not the fundamental purpose of the problem, you can basically delete it from the note, so this idea helps save time.

Question # 16) What are the general description of circle declarations and accessible circle types in C?

A: The explanations that allow statements or assemblies to be reprocessed are described as a circle.

There are 4 kinds of circle explanation in C language.

Although the circle

For loop

To do … While Loop

Fixed loop

Question # 17) What is a fixed circle?

Answer: A circle extending inside another circle implies as a fixed circle.

Question # 18) What is the general capacity type in C?

A: The capacity definition in C contains four main areas.

return_type function_name (parameter list)


Subject of competence


Return type: The data type with estimated capacity in place.

Capacity name: The name of the capacity, and it must have an important name that describes the capacity movement, which is very important.

Parameters: Information estimates for the ability to perform the necessary activities.

Abilities: A collection of joints that express necessary movements.

Q # 19) What is the pointer in C language?

Answer: A pointer variable that contains the position of another pointer variable is called a pointer on the pointer. This idea cancels the match twice to highlight the information held by the pointer variable.

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Pointer on pointer

In this model, ** y restores the estimate of variable a.

Question # 20) What is the point of “Break”?

A: The motivation behind the Break slogan is to get control out of the code block being executed. It can only be displayed in a loop or toggle statement.

Question # 21) What is the social comparison when remembering the header records for double description (“) and precise support (<>)?

Answer: When the Header document is contained in a double statement (“), the compiler first searches for a specific header record in the working directory. In the case of no discovery, at this time it will browse the records in a merged manner. Even so, when incorporating Header records into precise support (<>), the compiler only looks for specific Header documents in the working registry.

Q # 22) What is continuous access to documents?

A: Regular projects store information in documents and restore existing information from records. When recovering information from such documents, each data will be read carefully until the necessary data is found.

Question # 23) What is the strategy for keeping the information in the stack information structure type?

Answer: Use the first-in-first-out (FILO) instrument to put the data into the stack information structure type. In the given case, the top of the stack is open.

Q # 24) What is the necessity of C program calculation?

Answer: The calculation is performed first, which contains bit-by-bit rules about the arrangement. Similarly, it contains the methods to be considered and the necessary counts/activities within the program.

Question # 25) What is the correct code for using circle to settle in C?

Correct code


#include <stdio.h>

Interpretation principle () {


int b;

/ * For lap execution * /

for (a = 1; a <6; a ++)


/ * For lap execution * /

For (b = 1; b <= a; b ++)


printf (“% d”, b);


printf (“\ n”);


Bring back 0



Q # 26) Explain the capacity utilization of toupper () with model code?

Answer: Toupper () works are used to convert capital motivation to capital when used with characters.


#include <stdio.h>

#include <ctype.h>

int Principle ()



c = ‘a’;

printf (“% c->% c”, c, toupper (c));

c = ‘A’;

printf (“\ n% c->% c”, c, toupper (c));

c = ‘9’;

printf (“\ n% c->% c”, c, toupper (c));

Bring back 0


Q # 27) What is the code that can benefit from the revenue of a given code within a certain period of time?

#include <stdio.h>

Interpretation principle () {


/ * For lap execution * /

for (a = 1; a <= 100; a ++)


printf (“% d \ n”, a * a);


Bring back 0


For a while


#include <stdio.h>

Interpretation principle () {


And (a <= 100)


printf (“% d \ n”, a * a);

a ++;


Bring back 0


And lap 1

Question # 28) Select the incorrect administrator structure (==, <>,> =, <=) in the attached list. What is the explanation behind the appropriate reply?

Answer: The incorrect administrator is “<>”. At the time of writing the restrictive instructions, this configuration was correct, but it was proved that equivalence in C programming is not the correct activity. The following assembly errors occurred.


#include <stdio.h>

int primary () {

If (5 <> 10)

printf (“Test <>”);

Bring back 0


Administrator structure error



Question # 29) Can you imagine using the wavy part ({}) to include a single line of code in a C program?

Answer: Yes, it will not go wrong. Some software engineers like to use it to arrange code. In any case, the basic motivation behind the wavy part is to assemble a few lines of code.

Q # 30) Is the modifier described in C?

A: The modifier is the prefix of the basic information type.In the 32-piece processor, the extra space for the int information type is 4. When we use it with a modifier, the extra space changes as follows:

Long integer: 8 pieces of storage space

Short integer: 2 storage spaces

Q # 31) What modifiers can be accessed in C programming language?

Answer: The following 5 modifiers can be accessed in the C programming language:






Q # 32) What is the process of generating arbitrary numbers in C programming language?

Answer: For this, you can use rand () order. The capacity recovery is an integer starting from zero (0). The attached sample code shows the usage of rand ().


#include <stdio.h>

#include <stdlib.h>

int basic ()



int b;

for (a = 1; a <11; a ++)


b = rand ();

printf (“% d \ n”, b);


Bring back 0


Irregular numbers


Irregular digital output

Q # 33) An example program describing how line breaks avoid inheritance?

Answer: \ n will say line breaks. This shows that the new line starts with the role of the compiler and generates revenue in a similar manner. The attached sample program demonstrates the use of line breaks.


/ *

* C program print string

* /

#include <stdio.h>

#include <string.h>

int main () {

printf (“String 01”);


Bring back 0



Yield screening

Q # 34) Is it possible to store 32768 in an int information type variable?

A: The Int information type is only suitable for placement – ​​quality between 32768 and 32767. To store 32768, you need to use the modifier with the int information type. Long Int can be used. In addition, if there is no negative nature, you can also consider using unsigned int.

Q # 35) Is it possible to use the C programming language to change the title record?

Answer: Yes, you can think of another simple header file. Use the working model used inside the program to make documents. Remember the documentation in the “#include” area of ​​the name.c programming interview questions

Q # 36) Is the dynamic information structure described in C programming language?

Answer: Dynamic information structures are gradually proficient in memory. What happens to memory varies by program.

Q # 37) Can you imagine adding pointers to each other?

Answer: It is impossible to include pointers together. Since the pointer contains the subtleties of the address, it is absolutely impossible to restore motivation from this activity.

Q # 38) What is indirect?

Answer: If you have defined a pointer to a variable or any storage object, the estimated value of the variable will not be referenced immediately. Either way, when we declare a variable, it will immediately quote the value.c programming interview questions

Q # 39) What are the ways to use invalid pointers in the C programming language?

A: Imagine using null pointers in three different ways.

Self-esteem as wrong.

Respect as a fixed point.

Terminate indirect addressing in recursive information structures.

Question # 40) What is clarification measurement programming?

Answer: The method of isolating the main program into executable subsections is called module programming. This idea improves reusability.


The inspector relies on the ideas of the C programming language. These ideas combine the circuit board with pointers, the information of punctuation marks, and some model projects that use the Basic C program structure. Query and analyze vivid and practical information about competitors.c programming interview questions