Why Does My Throat Hurt?

why does my throat hurt

Your throat is tingling, burning, having difficulty swallowing, and possibly even speaking? No doubt you have a terrible sore throat. Even you are asking yourself,why does my throat hurt? But do you know what is behind this symptom? Quickly take a look at the main ailments associated with a sore throat.

Sore throat is a symptom and not a disease found in different conditions.

The characteristics of the pain and the associated signs will help diagnose the cause.


Why does my throat hurt?

Maybe you have Angina. Angina usually characterizes by severe pain on the sides of the throat, mostly felt when swallowing (even saliva) in the tonsils (on one or both sides). The tonsils are most often enlarged and red.

Tracheitis is a lower inflammation with a relatively central pain similar to irritation or burning, giving the sensation of having “stuck crumbs” in the throat. It is usually associated with a very itchy and painful dry cough, often in a fit.

Pharyngitis causes more central pain in the back of the throat, a burning type of pain that does not affect the tonsils. It is often associated with a cold (nasopharyngitis). Secretions from the sinuses flow into the back of the throat instead of evacuating through the nose. And nostrils irritate the throat and cause a more or less fatty cough, a reflex to evacuate these secretions.

Fungi (mushrooms), canker sores and herpes, can extend up to the throat and cause spontaneous pain or swallowing.

A foreign body is easy to identify thanks to the context. For example, the sudden onset of pain during a meal of fish makes one suspect the presence of a bone.

Gastroesophageal reflux disease can cause acid reflux in the throat, often associated with an irritating cough. These symptoms are usually early in the morning, after prolonged lying down. Which promotes reflux.

Throat cancer is much rarer. It often affects a person over 40 who drinks and smokes a lot. And who gradually has difficulty swallowing. In this case, paradoxically, it is sometimes easier to eat solid food than liquid.

An increase in the size of the thyroid gland – goiter or tumor – can cause discomfort. But more in the neck than in the throat itself.


Laryngitis is an inflammation of the larynx and, therefore, of the vocal cords. It causes damage to the voice (up to aphonia). But usually does not cause a sore throat if it is isolated.

It is an inflammation of the larynx, an organ located between the pharynx and the trachea. Which contains the vocal cords, hence its frequent name of the voice box. This infection is generally of viral origin and, more rarely, of bacterial origin. But it can also occur without the presence of a virus or bacteria. 

For example, when we have too much singing or shouting at the top of the lungs. The vocal cords become irritated and swell. Like most sore throats, laryngitis can be acute or chronic. 

Acute sore throat appears suddenly after infection and lasts only a few days. Chronic sore throat is not associated with a disease but rather with an irritant – tobacco, esophageal reflux, seasonal allergies. Or chronic, etc. – which regularly attacks the larynx.


Some symptoms and treatments of why does my throat hurt?


Laryngitis manifest by a burning sensation in the throat and hoarseness that can go as far as the loss of voice, sometimes accompanied by fever and dry cough (without secretions). In chronic laryngitis, the sore throat is usually less severe than when the laryngitis is acute. On the other hand, it is present almost daily over several weeks, even several months. 


You cannot treat viruses with antibiotics. The only way to treat a viral infection is to relieve the symptoms (see “Tips for relieving a sore throat”) to reduce discomfort and pain. With laryngitis, you need to bring your vocal cords to complete rest until your voice returns. Impossible? So, talk as little as possible. And it’s better to do it in a low voice rather than whispering, which will put more strain on the vocal cords than speaking and may make the irritation worse.

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Also, avoid yelling, singing, straining your voice, and clearing your throat. Also, avoid tobacco and smoky atmospheres. Does your job require you to talk a lot? Notify those around you and allow yourself periods of silence throughout the day. Warning: Go to the doctor if your discomfort does not subside after a few days. Also, if you feel weak or tired or if you have a fever, do not wait; consult. 

It is an inflammation of the pharynx, an organ located above the larynx. In 85 to 90% of cases, pharyngitis causes by a virus. The rest causes by bacteria, usually strep-like or an irritant. Pharyngitis often combines with a cold or the flu. 



The throat is dry, itchy, and swollen. It results in painful and challenging swallowing with a burning sensation or tingling in the back of the throat, sometimes accompanied by fever. Swallowing, speaking, or even breathing can become painful. In response to infection, the neck’s lymph nodes, which are part of the immune defense system, may swell. However, the voice is not changed. 


Unlike what happens when there is laryngitis, it is possible to confirm a strep throat diagnosis using a throat culture quickly. If so, your doctor will likely prescribe an antibiotic. Although bacterial infections can go away on their own, taking antibiotics can shorten the duration of symptoms and, most importantly, prevent serious complications. On the other hand, if a virus causes your sore throat, you will have to tolerate it. Most symptoms persist for 7 to 10 days. You can only relieve the irritation and pain until your body clears the virus. However, if you experience a severe sore throat and general fatigue combined with a high fever and inability to swallow, consult. 

It is an inflammation of the lining of the nose associated with that of the pharynx. It often appears during a cold or seasonal allergy. Easy to understand: when there is nasal congestion, the secretions flow down the throat’s back and irritate the pharynx. 


The most common are blocked nose, runny nose, sore throat, and sometimes fever. 


Treat the congestion as soon as possible. For the rest, follow the suggestions that apply to the treatment of pharyngitis. Tip: sleep with your head elevated on pillows. It will allow you to breathe easier and prevent nasal secretions from running down your throat. 

It is an inflammation of the tonsils, two organs located at the back of the throat, on each side. The tonsils are part of the pharynx. Their role is to produce antibodies that fight infections. Like laryngitis and pharyngitis, the disease can be viral or bacterial. It can also be acute or chronic. 


There is often tricky swallowing, redness, swelling of the tonsils, white spots or pus on the tonsils, and sore throat. The pain can spread to the ears. Sometimes, the neck’s glands swallow—other possible symptoms: fever, general malaise, headache, vomiting. Bad breath often accompanies chronic tonsillitis. 


Tonsillitis heals on its own within a few days. However, in the case of bacterial tonsillitis, the doctor may prescribe an antibiotic to avoid any complications. When tonsillitis recurs and makes it difficult to breathe and swallow competently, go to the doctor. This surgery, performed under general anesthesia and day surgery, involves removing the tonsils. However, that is a measure of last resort. 

Although the procedure commonly performs, it is not benign. The main disadvantages are intense pain in the ten days following surgery and the risk of bleeding in one in 20 people. Hence the importance of carefully weighing the pros and cons of surgery compared to those of chronic tonsillitis. 

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ENT cancer is the fourth most common cancer in humans. It includes those that reach part of the head as well as the neck. But throat cancer is usually called cancer that forms in the larynx or pharynx. These organs make it possible to swallow, breathe and speak. Because it affects essential functions, this cancer can have devastating consequences on the person’s quality of life. The main culprits are tobacco, alcohol, and the human papillomavirus. These are also associated with cervical cancer. We note the presence of the human papillomavirus in nearly 70% of tonsil cancers! 


Most common: sore throat, voice changes, ear pain, lump or pain localized at the base of the tongue (back of the throat) or in the neck, swollen glands, difficult breathing, swallowing pain, cough. Bottom Line: One or more of these symptoms should be present for at least three weeks daily. If this is the case, it does not necessarily mean that there is a cancerous tumor, but it is better to consult to be sure. The earlier the cancer is detected, the greater the chances of a cure. 


They vary depending on the type of cancer and the stage of the tumor. To treat throat cancer, your doctor will use surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, or a combination of these treatments to destroy cancer cells and prevent them from spreading to other parts of the body. 

Taking a pain reliever such as acetaminophen (Tylenol) or ibuprofen (Advil) helps reduce pain and fever.

Gargling with lukewarm saltwater (a tablespoon of salt in a cup of water) several times a day moistens the back of the throat, reduces mucus, and eases irritation.

Sucking on candy or lozenges increases saliva production, forces you to swallow, and, in turn, hydrates the dry and inflamed throat. Some pills contain a local anesthetic that temporarily soothes the pain. An asset provided that the dosage of the manufacturer is respected.


FAQ of why does my throat hurt?

  1. What is a sore throat?

Pharyngitis, a frequent sore throat 

Pharyngitis is a term for inflammation of the pharynx, located behind the throat, between the nasal mucous membranes and the larynx.  Often referred to as a “sore throat” because it is the first symptom that prompts you to consult, pharyngitis can be acute or chronic.

  1. Why does my throat hurt?

A sore throat is a common symptom due to a viral infection and more rarely a bacterial one.  Other causes can explain the irritation source of pain: allergy, pollution, smoking, acid reflux of gastric fluid.

  1. When I talk too much, I have a sore throat?

Just talking too much or yelling too much can lead to a sore throat.  Note, faced with a sore throat that persists, especially if a voice change accompanies it, you should consult your doctor.  These symptoms may be those of cancer of the larynx or pharynx.

  1. Why do I have back pain at night?

The leading causes of nocturnal back pain

Unfortunately, the causes can vary from bad habits, bad posture, lousy bedding, or more pathological severe problems (herniated disc, sciatica, etc.).

  1. How to cure an ulcer in the throat?

Many people undertake to rinse their mouth with salt water several times a day to treat mouth ulcers.  They circulate the liquid in the mouth for a minute or two before spitting it out, then repeat the process once or twice.


Conclusion of why does my throat hurt

Although it is more common in children, throat hurt can occur at any age. Taking plenty of fluids helps relieve irritation in the throat caused by a stubborn cough. It moistens the dry mouth and throat, clears up secretions. And makes them easier to pass. You have to prefer the water, hot drinks (hot water sweetened with honey, for example), soups, and broths. Drinks and frozen foods like popsicles and ice cream can also provide temporary relief from a throat hurt.

Humidify the ambient air to reduce the dryness of the throat. The ideal humidity level is between 40 and 50%.

Refrain from smoking. Not only does tobacco irritate the respiratory tract, but it prevents adequate oxygenation of the blood. There is also evidence that, compared to non-smokers, smokers defend themselves less well against infection and therefore take longer to heal.