What is painful urination and how to prevent it (why does it hurt when I pee)

why does it hurt when i pee

Every day we face lots of physical difficulties. Some of them are mild others are painful. The mechanism of our body majorly depends on water. You may call it the liquid of life. Water helps regulate all the metabolic why does it hurt when i pee activities in our organs. Due to a lack of water, our body fails to execute regular work. We are facing continuous environmental change. These changes are suitable for harmful microbes. Microorganisms like bacteria, fungi, and viruses, creating numerous diseases. 

These microbes are everywhere and can infect your body anytime. One of the common diseases now these days is urine infection. Do you know what urine infection is? Why painful urination occurs? Why does it hurt when I pee? If you face the same kind of problem and want to relief from it, stay with us till the end. 

What is urine? 

Urine is one kind of waste material. Our body absorbs water, which helps to filter the organs while filtering fluid kidney work as a strainer. So, urine consists of toxic waste products such as salt, urea, ammonia, pigments of blood, electrolytes (potassium and phosphorus), etc. In brief, urine is the accumulation of toxic substances that exudes in the liquid from the body. 

It may appear in different colors due to the amount of waste consumption, food intake, and medicinal effect. If you drink sufficient water, then the color will be watery. But dehydration can turn yellow and brown. Moreover, taking antibiotics or powerful drugs and food having natural color may turn pee into pinkish. However, abnormal color may indicate the kidney or urinary problem. So, drinking enough water is a must to keep your urine check. 

Urinary system

Urine is the urinary system’s output, which includes several organs such as kidney, ureter, urinary bladder, and urethra. Each part plays a role in the filtering process. We are going to have a bit of an in-depth discussion about it.


The system consists of a pair of kidneys, and they are bean-shaped and located in the lower abdominal region. Kidneys connect with blood, which filters blood with the help of glomerulus. The glomerulus is the first step of filtration from the blood. The part looks like small blood vessels, which is known as tuft. So, kidneys divide the process into two-part. Fresh blood goes to the body, and filtered toxic fluid from blood goes to a downward tube called the ureter. 


A pair of ureters are there to carry urine from kidneys to the urinary bladder. The ureter is a tube-like organ, and it is about 10 to 12 inches in length. Its purpose is to transport urine and consist of valves that prevent urine from going backward.

Urinary bladder      

You may call it the storage. Urinary bladder work as storage to reserve urine. It is elastic and can stretch according to the toxic fluid pressure. The sac-like structure can hold 400 to 600 milliliters of urine. At the endpoint, two sphincters or valves present. These sphincters regulate the flow of urine from the bladder to the urethra. 


It is the last part of the urinary system. Urethra allows eliminating the urine outside of the body. Male and female urethra length is different. Female urethra length is 2 inches, while males have 8-10 inches. Sphincter valves help to maintain the rate of expelling toxic liquid. 


Urination is the process to excrete urine produced by the kidney and eject through the urethra from outside the body. It is a natural process of removing poisonous material from the body. As we know, it is a regular and straightforward system. 

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Painful urination (Dysuria)

However, the situation can be much worse, as well as painful. Dysuria is the medical term of a painful urination. There are lots of people who suffer from the urination problem.  The primary reason for urination pain is a urinary infection. Especially in comparison to males and females, females undergo more through dilemmas. Generally, it occurs due to bacteria. 

There are various reasons for bacteria to invade your body. Not only harmful bacterial infections create pain but also, they produce bad smells.  Unusual urine color is another sing of infectious urination. But, there various reasons for this irritating condition. So, now we are going to discuss it. 

The cause of painful urination

Although females suffer profoundly, it is essential to know the people of all genders and ages about the causes.

Infection of Urinary tract

It is commonly known as UTI (urinary tract infection). Bacteria infect the duct and other urinary organs. Because of disease, the burning, and foul smell rise while you are peeing. When you go to your doctor and complain, why does it hurt when I pee!! 

Kidney stones (Nephrolithiasis)

Kidney stones form when solid materials in urine settle down and crystalize. They occur in the kidney as well in the ureter, urinary bladder, and urethra. The reason for generating these stones is the increase of particle or reduction of solvent. It allows us to form a crystal-like structure. The calcium (calcium oxalate and calcium phosphate) helps to give these crystals a hardened stony shape. Due to heavy diets such as rich oily food is one of the main reasons. 

Kidney stones block the flow of urine and create pressure in the urinary tract. Besides, the rocks consist of acidic materials which cause the pain. 

Sexual activity 

Due to sexual activities, urinary infections may happen, and these infections are named sexually transmitted infections or STIs. Some of the STIs are more dominant than others, such as herpes, chlamydia, and gonorrhea. Chlamydia and gonorrhea are closely related, and transmission may happen due to direct sex such as oral, vaginal, and anal. Also, childbirth is another cause of transmission. Sometimes direct contact also assists in the process. 

Infection in the prostate gland 

The prostate gland also causes dysuria. The location of the gland is in the middle of the bladder and the penis. Usually, males are the victim of this infection. Gland cause prostatitis diseases. Because of urine leakage infection may start. But more often, bacteria create the infection. 

Cysts in ovary 

Cysts can cause intermittent pain in the ovary region. The ovary is 5 cm in length, and anywhere cysts can happen. As we know, the ovary is a feminine organ, so female struggles because of cysts. Also, ovary closely located on both sides of the bladder and interrupt the urinary process.   

Interstitial cystitis (IC)

It is the condition where there is a pain in the lower abdomen and problems passing urine. Interstitial cystitis can occur to any age group but more common in younger people. It is also called bladder pain syndrome. 

Chemical susceptibility

We all have different skin sensitivity. Therefore, the chemical products we use directly why does it hurt when I pee  that contacts our skin have a divers’ effect. Products like perfume, deodorant, soap, sanitary napkins, and toilet tissue, etc. can irritate. Due to the use of this product in sensitive private part will increase the chance of disturbance. 

Unsuited medicine

Sometimes over medication have a detrimental effect on the whole body.  Drugs taken for curing urination may cause a reverse effect like inflammations as well as irritation. Some prescribed medicines may not suit the patient to express the opposite action. A proper diagnosis is necessary to identify the abnormality. If your doctor recommends you for a particular drug only then, you should take it.     

Hormonal changes

Hormones regulate the functional activity inside our bodies. So, what the role of the hormone in urination? It is common that as hormones maintain every function, including the bladder why does it hurt when I pee. As you know, the bladder is a part of the urinary tract and store urine. Due to the lack of the hormone, the bladder’s regular function disrupts. This disruption causes severe pain in urination. But it is hardly understood thought to be a UTI. 

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Spinal cord 

In the case of spinal shock, you cannot move the spinal cord, and you lose your body reflex why does it hurt when i pee. Bladder construction signal comes from the lower part of the spinal cords that operate by the brain. Due to spinal injury, a lack of signal bladder malfunctions the urine storage process, and compilation in urination occurs.    

Cancer in bladder

Because of the cancer cell in the bladder, bladder cancer takes place. If you suffer from it can experience blood along with urine. Victims suffer severe stomach pain.   


The symptoms and treatment of painful urination

There different types of painful urination symptoms based on the source why does it hurt when i pee that helps identify the problem. The sign will help you with precaution and allow you to get an early medical checkup. 

Infection of Urinary tract symptoms

  • Minor irritation 
  • Fever
  • Chills 
  • Vomiting 
  • If the above symptom is a server, the patient can feel back pain. 
  • The bad smell while ejecting urine.
  • Frequent peeing. 


  • Make sure you are drinking plenty of water. Bladder protects itself by urinating stream and cleans it up. 
  • The doctor can provide antibiotics so that the infection is not prolonged. 
  • Take Vitamin-C, and it is more acid. Due to that, your urine PH will be acidic as well, which helps to prevent the growth of bacteria in the urinary tract.  
  • Probiotics consist of healthy bacteria. Such lactobacillus can reduce the problem. 
  • You can take heat therapy, which allows you to minimize the burning sensation. why does it hurt when i pee. 


Kidney stones (Nephrolithiasis) symptoms

  • Back pain
  • Nausea and vomiting 
  • Frequent urination 
  • Pain when urinating 
  • Pink/ red urine 
  • Fever
  • Blood in urine
  • Facing trouble urinating 


  • Drinking more water
  • Excellent food.
  • Regular medical checkup
  • Low consumption of animal protein and salt can help to create stone
  • Avoid oxalate-rich foods such as nuts, chocolate, coffee, beets, and leafy green. 


Sexually transmitted infection or STIs symptoms

  • Irritation in penis and vagina 
  • In men pain in the testicle 
  • Burn during urination
  • Genital lesion


  • Know your partner before having sex. 
  • Use protective measures like condoms.
  • Maintain personal hygiene
  • Limit sexual partners and raise awareness.


Infection in the prostate gland or prostatitis symptoms

  • Testicular pain
  • Perineal uneasiness 
  • Penile pain
  • Ejaculation pain
  • Pain during urination
  • Urgency in peeing 


  • Increasing the blood flow throughout the muscles will reduce inflammation and pain.


Cysts in ovary symptoms 

  • Dull lower abdominal discomfort.
  • Pelvic pain
  • Nausea and vomiting 
  • Ovarian torsion 
  • Rupture, and it can resolve the free fluid in the abdomen. It can create a lot of pain
  • Abdominal bloating 
  • Tenderness in breast 
  • Feel pain during period


  • Although most cysts destroy their own, their size is over 5 cm and keeps growing, and then surgery is a must for the removal of cysts.
  • Regular observation

 Interstitial cystitis (IC) symptoms 

  • Frequent urination 
  • Pubic pain
  • Men feel pain in the scrotum
  • Women feel during the menstrual periods
  • Blurred vision
  • Hunger and headache
  • Sweatiness
  • Allergies 
  • Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
  • Chronic fatigue syndrome


  • Oral medication 
  • Local anesthetic use to minimize the pain
  • Removal of bladder


Cancer in bladder symptoms

  • Urge of peeing 
  • Inconsistent urinating 
  • Reduction of weight 
  • Stress
  • Loss of hunger


  • Removal of bladder 
  • Doctor recommended medication


Chemical susceptibility symptoms 

  • Skin irritation and itching 
  • Swelling around the genital parts


  • Avoid unsuited soap and other toiletries.
  • Consult with doctors and test your skin


Final thoughts 

As we all often suffer due to urination pain. Experts mention that because of the shorter urinary tract, females are more affected by bacterial infection than men. But it is common in all gender. The problem causes an imbalance of lifestyle because of the frequent urgency of peeing. Lower abdominal region burns with inconsistent urination. So, more or less, we all feel this problem during dehydration.

The best solution is to drink water as much as possible. It will flush out all the toxic fluid and bacterial that make a disturbance. Clean bladder and urinary tract elevate almost lower the possibilities of dysuria. There are lots of treatment around there to keep you pain feel. But always remember how mild the symptoms consult with the doctor at an early stage, in conclusion, our duty to be safe and healthy.