It is very likely if you have sex without any protection or contraception then you can conceive or get pregnant at any time during your menstruation cycle. Even, during or just after your period. Moreover, if you had never had a period before and have sex then you can get pregnant or you have sex during your first period then you may also even get pregnant. So, overall, there is no “safe” period of not getting pregnant.
But still, there are some days in your menstruation cycle when a woman is most fertile or unfertile. These days can be known by following some tools or by remembering your period cycle.
Here, we have discussed some of the most important and crucial details of when can a woman does not get pregnant and What Causes Female Infertility? So, without delaying any second, go through the complete article.
Want To Get Pregnant Fast? Know Your Days:
It is very critical to figure out about safe period when any girl can’t be pregnant because to get pregnant is depends on ovulation period. And sometimes, periods don’t happen at the same time of each cycle, so it can be tricky sometimes.
But, if any girl has balance regular period cycle then it is very easy to know ovulation period. There are only 6 days during any cycle when a woman can get pregnant – the five days leading up to ovulation and the 24 hours after ovulation. Remember one thing, this process happens because of the man’s sperm can live in women’s body only for up to 5days and the ovum lives for only 12-24 hours.
How Can CycleBeads Help You Know When You Can Get Pregnant?
Cyclebeads is a scientific tool which helps you to know when you can get pregnant by identifying ovulation period. It is a perfect tool to identify 12 potentially fertile days each cycle – Days 8 through 19, where Day 1 is the first day of your period. These 12 days take into the account from which 6 days are the most fertile days to get pregnant as the variability in the timing of ovulation from one cycle to the next.
According to surveys, those women who have used CycleBeads to get pregnant show that they get success to become pregnant within six months. Moreover, the vast majority achieving pregnancy within the first 3 months of trying to conceive.
How Cyclebeads Helps You To Plan To Get Pregnant?
If any couple wants to get pregnant by using cycle beads then they should have intercourse as often as possible (preferably at least every other day) during the potentially fertile days of a woman’s cycle – days 8 through 19. That’s it. It is the simplest way to get pregnant by using this method.
It was designed to work most effectively for women menstruation cycle between 26-32 days. Cyclebeads also helps you to track your period cycles to determine whether this option is right for you.
If you find that your cycle is either shorter than 26 days or longer than 32 days more than once in a year, you should use another method. Those women who don’t conceive within 6 cycles of using this method then they should concern to the doctor once to make sure that there are no health problems that are keeping her from achieving pregnancy.
Are There Ways I Can Determine “More Exactly” What Days I Can Get Get Pregnant?
Yes, there are many ways to know more exactly the ovulation period. But, it requires more training and more accurate information about the periods of women. Some women also use ovulation prediction kits, but these are very expensive and not possible to afford for every woman. Along with this, these kits indicate only a very narrow window of time during which a woman is fertile. The Meaning is women using an ovulation prediction kit may miss a number of potentially fertile days.
If a woman has a regular and balanced period cycle of 26-32 days then it very much easier to predict that she can get pregnant as early as day 8 of your cycle and as late as day 19 of your cycle and on all the days in between. Women should intimate during these days with their partner to get pregnant because there are extremely high chances of getting pregnant.
Many women using this family planning method find that as they become more familiar with their cycles, they begin to notice fertility signs such as secretions or light cramping which may help them pinpoint ovulation.
What Causes Female Infertility
Causes of Failure to Ovulate:
According to a survey, approx 30% of women are infertile and unable to conceive. But fortunately, 70% of women are fertile and get success to get pregnant by the use of drugs such as Clomiphene and Menogan/Repronex. There are many causes of failed ovulation that can be categorized as follows:
Hormonal Problems
Hormonal problem is the most common problem spreading among the women that cause anovulation. The process of ovulation depends upon a complex balance of hormones and their interactions to be successful, and any disruption in this process can hinder ovulation. There are three main sources causing this problem:
Failure to Produce Mature Eggs
According to a survey, there are 50% cases of anovulation in which ovaries don’t able to produce normal follicles in which eggs can mature. And in case, women become unable to get pregnant because ovulation is rare if the eggs are immature and the chance of fertilization becomes almost nonexistent.
This problem is called polycystic syndrome. It is the most common syndrome responsible syndrome causes difficulty for any women to get pregnant. It includes many symptoms like amenorrhoea, hirsutism, anovulation and infertility. This syndrome is characterized by a reduced production of FSH, and normal or increased levels of LH, estrogen and testosterone.
The present imagination is only that the suppression of FSH connected with this situation causes only tiny development of ovarian follicles and a follicular cyst that can be detected in an ultra scan too. The affected ovary is only surrounded by a smooth white capsule and maybe double in size. The increased level of estrogen raises the risk of breast cancer.
Malfunction of the Hypothalamus
The hypothalamus is a particular portion of the mind. The working of the hypothalamus is to send signals to the pituitary gland, which, in turn, sends hormonal stimuli to the ovaries in the form of FSH and LH to initiate egg maturation. If hypothalamus doesn’t work properly and fail to send signals to pituitary gland then immature eggs will result. This is the cause of ovarian failure in 20% of cases.
Malfunction of the pituitary gland
The responsibility of pituitary lies in producing and secreting FSH and LH. But if in any case, there will be either too much or too little of these substances are produced then ovaries will become unable to ovulate properly. This problem can be caused due to many reasons such as physical injury, a tumor or if there is a chemical imbalance in the pituitary.
Scarred Ovaries
Assume, if any women have multiple ovaries surgeries extensive, invasive, to get rid of repeated ovarian cysts then it may cause the capsule of the ovary may damage or scarring. In that case, the follicles become unable to mature and ovulation may not happen in the female’s body. Infection may cause this problem also. In other words, we can say that Physical damage to the ovaries may result in failed ovulation.
Premature Menopause
Some girls have menopause from an early age which causes their natural supply of eggs has been depleted. These cases are very rare and very tough to explain the cause of anovulation. Mostly, these situations can be seen in athletic and physical fit-freak women due to having lightweight and extensive exercise. There is also a genetic possibility for this condition.
Follicle Problems
Those women who produce a normal follicle, with an egg inside of it, every month yet the follicle fail to rupture. But, normally, it is not possible to explain “unruptured follicle syndrome”. The egg, therefore, remains inside the ovary and proper ovulation does not occur.
Causes of Poorly Functioning Fallopian Tubes:
Tubal diseases are found in approx 25% of infertile couples. It varies widely, ranging from mild adhesions to complete tubal blockage. But now medical science has developed a lot so there is also a treatment for the tubal disease is most commonly surgery and, owing to the advances in microsurgery and lasers.
The success rates of these surgeries are almost 30% overall with certain procedures having success rates up to 65%. The main causes of tubal damage include:
- Infection
Infection can be caused by anything. But, commonly, it may cause by bacteria or viruses or may be transmitted sexually. These infections mainly cause inflammation resulting in scarring and damage. A specific example is Hydrosalpnix, a condition in which the fallopian tube is occluded at both ends and fluid collects in the tube.
- Abdominal Diseases
The most common of these are appendicitis and colitis, causing inflammation of the abdominal cavity which can affect the fallopian tubes and lead to scarring and blockage.
- Previous Surgeries
This is an important cause of tubal disease and damage. Pelvic or abdominal surgery can result in adhesions that alter the tubes in such a way that eggs cannot travel through them.
- Ectopic Pregnancy
This is a pregnancy that occurs in the tube itself and, even if carefully and successfully overcome, may cause tubal damage and is a potentially life-threatening condition.
- Congenital Defects
In rare cases, women may be born with tubal abnormalities, usually associated with uterus irregularities.
Additional Factors:
There are some more factors that can cause women infertility. The factors have mentioned below, have a look
- If any woman is affected by an abnormal uterus then it may cause infertility. At least, 10% of women are affected by an abnormal uterus. There are many conditions such as fibroid, polyps, and adenomyosis may lead to obstruction of the uterus and Fallopian tubes.
- There may be Congenital abnormalities, such as the septate uterus, may lead to recurrent miscarriages or the inability to conceive.
- Due to do not have a certain consistency in mucus and available in adequate amounts for sperm to swim easily. There are approx 3% of couples who are facing this kind of infertile problem. The most common reason for abnormal cervical mucus is a hormone imbalance, namely too little estrogen or too much progesterone.
Behavioral Factors:
Along with all above-mentioned factors, there are some additional factors also which affects pregnancy and causes infertility among women related to lifestyle and some personal habits. Some of the main and common factors have been mentioned below.
Diet and Exercise
A healthy diet and some exercises make you fit and active in your daily life. The optimal reproductive system requires proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle to function properly. Those women who are fatty or over-weight may have difficulty to get pregnant.
All know that how much smoking is injurious to health. Have regular smoking has noticed that to lower the number of sperm in men and increases the risk of miscarriage, premature birth, and low-birth-weight babies for women. Smoking by either partner reduces the chance of conceiving with each cycle, either naturally or by IVF, by one-third.
Overdose of alcohol greatly increases the risk of birth defects for women. If any woman takes alcohol in high number then it may cause fetal alcohol syndrome. In men, it affects sperm counts.
There are many drugs like marijuana and anabolic steroids lower sperm counts in men. Cocaine use in pregnant women may cause severe retardations and kidney problems in the baby and is perhaps the worst possible drug to abuse while pregnant. Recreational drug use should be avoided, both when trying to conceive and when pregnant.
Environmental and Occupational Factors:
The atmosphere surrounding us matters a lot for our health. The ability to conceive a baby is also depending on the atmosphere in which a woman is living. The toxins and chemicals in the atmosphere of the workplace and home or any other also affect the situation of pregnancy because they all are inhaling in our body. Substances that can cause mutations, birth defects, abortions, infertility or sterility are called reproductive toxins. Disorders of infertility, reproduction, spontaneous abortion and teratogenesis are among.
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