The 6 Types of PDF Standards from ISO

JPG to PDF A Guide

PDF is the standard software used for dealing with tons of digital documents. Many companies, schools, hospitals, and government and private institutions are using PDF format for massive file storage. Every document converted to PDF has an option to be saved as a particular standard. The standard depends on the purpose of your PDF. Many types of PDF available.

Converting a document to an inappropriate standard, you might encounter technical problems in printing, sharing, and saving your files. There are six ISO standards for PDF that you can choose for your file. The ISO or International Standards Organization issues product certification if the product meets the necessary requirements.

ISO ensures that PDF meets the quality, reliability, and universality standards. Each standard serves a purpose on how you can view, print, share, and store your PDF files. Read on below the details of these ISO standards of PDF to know which one to use in saving your files in the future. 


You might be dealing with many digital documents at work. Making quarterly reports, detailed inventory, and keeping records of the company’s assets and liabilities are some tasks that require you to use PDF. However, if you’re planning to upload these files online, you need to convert pdf to jpg because files in JPG format are ideal for online uploads. 

The PDF is a general ISO standard used for simple digital documents in viewing, sharing, and printing. If you want to use a PDF file to print various pages of documents with plain texts and delete them after, this standard will be enough for you. 

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Some industries store a lot of documents for a long time. Hospitals store all of their patients’ records. Schools preserve the information of their first set of students, and banks keep the data of their clients and account holders safely for many years. These industries store the data and information for safekeeping. 

The PDF/A effectively combines PDF strengths and ISO standards. It responds to the needs of industries for long-term file storage. Also, the PDF/A standard keeps the actual texts with the same font size and style and preserves the images and photos for a long time. It doesn’t need any other apps. One PDF reader is sufficient to view documents from any source. 


People working in an engineering industry use detailed large-format drawings, multimedia, and many other visual presentations needed to their job. However, they sometimes encounter various technical problems with their visuals. The PDF/E ISO standard is of great help to address these issues. 

The PDF/E standard supports 3D artwork, and for the inclusion of comprehensive engineering data. It provides accurate results in reproducing hard copies of engineering drawings and layouts. All documents using this standard are for safekeeping with signatures in digital forms. 


The PDF/X standard has a bit of complication when it comes to its technicalities. It’s ideal for professional graphic designers and other computer experts. It produces high-quality documents and ensures that these documents are ready to print by embedding different elements like fonts, images, color combinations, etc. 

However, the PDF/X doesn’t allow any external graphic content, and only recognizes images that are present on the page of the PDF file. It also doesn’t require any password to set up and doesn’t allow any annotation using audios and videos.

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Some files in PDF format are sometimes hard to navigate. It could not be easy to find the specific information that you need. However, PDF/UA will be your great help. The acronym AU means Universal Accessibility. This standard aims to make the user independent in reading and navigating the PDF file. 

PDF/AU incorporates assistive technologies in providing a PDF content standardization suitable to people with disability


Some companies usually deal with a lot of paperwork every day.  It could be the printing of brochures and flyers for company marketing purposes. It could be dealing with transactional documents, such as electricity or gas bills, phone bills, and other examples of proof of billing and receipts. 

Most of the companies are using PDF technology when it comes to creating and producing these business-related documents. The PDF/VT is an ideal standard for this purpose. It has a feature of color management with consistent color reproduction. 


Using PDF files every day has been of great help to both established and start-up companies. Saving any document in PDF format must be using the correct standard. Hence, you’ll never encounter technical issues when viewing, sharing, printing, and modifying the details of these files in the future. So, you now have a complete idea about types of PDF. If you want to add anything about types of PDF please comment.