Should children have absolute freedom when it comes to education choices? In this blog, you will know Should Education Choices Be Determined Exclusively by Parents?
Or should parents be the only people who decide?
These questions have been open for debate for decades.
Our society is progressive, and different points of view can coexist.
Some say that children should obey their parents until they turn 18. That the kid’s preferences, dreams, and desires should not be taken into consideration at all. Parents know best, they say.
Others are convinced that modern kids have become so smart that they can choose education on their own. They can pick what school they want to attend, what subjects they wish to study, and what university to apply to. Parents should just support their child and let them decide on their own, even though they might make a mistake.
So who is right?
What approach gives the best results?
You will learn our stance a little bit later. But before that, let’s take a look at the pros and cons of both approaches.
Why should parents make education choices for their kids?
First and foremost, the law requires parents to provide the learning environment for their kids and take care of education until they are 18.
Without a doubt, parents hold some nuggets of wisdom because they, most likely, faltered and made mistakes in the past. They want to share this experience with their children so they can avoid pitfalls their parents have once encountered.
Parents are more future-oriented and realize how vital a schooling decision is, so they consider the consequences of that choice thoroughly. They are more prone to setting emotions aside and thinking critically, which prevents mistakes.
Parents’ duties are not limited to monitoring homework, and making sure that it has been carried out on time, they also encourage their kids to unlock the academic and social potential. They probably are in contact with the child’s teacher and have a clear picture of the kid’s performance and abilities.
The important job of parents is to check if the assignments are done correctly and on time. By monitoring how a child is doing intellectually and having conversations with the teachers, families know the capabilities and talents of their children and can help define the best path for them to follow in terms of education.
Adults know what professions are in demand and can help choose a career that is both profitable and interesting for the child.
Why shouldn’t parents make education choices for their kids?
There are always two sides to the story. If parents decide what’s more favorable for their child without actually taking into account the wishes of their little ones, there can be several serious ramifications.
Firstly, that can cause a generational conflict. The child might blame their mom and dad for not being supportive enough and ignoring their interests and plans. As a result, the caring parent, who wants the best for their kid, becomes an enemy.
Secondly, when the parents are always making choices for their kids, they disrupt the natural development of the child’s personality. As a consequence, the youngster might grow up into a mindless and weak person who can’t think for themselves. Also, the parent’s desire to protect their children from possible mistakes might keep them away from valuable life lessons and conclusions made on their own.
Thirdly, you can’t know what anyone’s thinking, even when it comes to your child. There is a chance that a parent might not fully understand the best path for their kid. So because of the imposed wrong choice, a young person might be condemned to studying disciplines they do not like or understand, and going to the school they hate.
Why should children choose education themselves?
Kids are so progressive today that sometimes they know even more than their parents. They have a better understanding of the digital world, possess a skillset, and know in what field they can successfully use it.
Unquestionably, those children who know what they want from life and what career they wish to pursue should be given freedom of choice. Although they navigate their own way, such kids still need support. When a child is doing what they love, it is twice as pleasant and rewarding for everyone in the family.
Having a firm idea of what career to pursue, youngsters will work harder on the skills required for that specialty. Of course, other subjects are also important, but not that crucial. Though they do affect the overall performance and GPA score, so some students order their homework or papers from cheap assignment writing service to make time for more relevant courses.
By respecting the children s decisions, parents invest in a good atmosphere in the family. Supportive parents inspire their children for new achievements, and they become more successful in their occupations.
Children who are given the freedom to choose become more responsible. They think critically, evaluate risks, and start recognizing better solutions.
Why shouldn’t children choose education themselves?
Children don’t judge things objectively and frequently make decisions based on their emotions or fleeting desires. They are not as experienced as their parents, and a wrong choice or a colossal mistake is capable of ruining their whole life.
Due to the psychological distinctions, kids can not be responsible for their well-being until they are 18. Till then, parents are legally required to support their children, and that includes making life choices. Education choice is one of these responsibilities.
The truth is somewhere in the middle
In our opinion, only a productive partnership between children, parents, and teachers can bring the best results. When parents are engaged in the educational process and listen to the needs of their children, and kids take responsibility for their actions and work for what they want, only then the approach to education will benefit everyone involved.