Hydrogen Peroxide In Ear Wax Removal

hydrogen peroxide in ear

Ear cleaning is part of established principles related to personal hygiene. The external ear canal does not need to clean. Because hydrogen peroxide in ear wax is a cleaning system. 

The earwax moves spontaneously and slowly towards the conch, where you can clean it without danger. Regular cleaning of earwax should only be done at the external auditory canal entrance and not in it. 

Ear cleaning becomes necessary only in the presence of an obstructive plug. Many methods have been described over the centuries and still practice today. 

Although ear cleaning is often considered easy and safe, it can be difficult and sometimes lead to significant injuries such as laceration of the external auditory canal’s skin or even perforation of the eardrum. 

It is a gesture that must be practiced calmly and without forgetting to reassure the patient because he is often very fearful when his ears are touched. When we talk about ear cleaning, we must differentiate between self-cleaning, cleaning by another person, and a doctor. 

Let’s know more about hydrogen peroxide in ear wax removal.

Hydrogen peroxide in ear

Before cleaning our ears with hydrogen peroxide, the first step is to have a consultation with our hearing health specialist to ensure we do not have any internal inflammation or a perforation in the eardrum through hearing tests.

Applying this method without knowing this information beforehand could cause irreversible damage to our hearing.

Steps to clean the ear with hydrogen peroxide

After going to the specialist and checking that everything is in order, we will follow a series of steps to clean the ear with hydrogen peroxide:

  • Heat half a cup of water.
  • Add the same amount of hydrogen peroxide to the previously heated water.
  • Stir the mixture well

With a dropper or dropper, introduce the resulting mixture into each ear using a cotton ball and with the head tilted to both sides, respectively, so that the solution penetrates well.

  • Wait in that position for several minutes for each ear.
  • Ear cleaning completed.
  • Avoid these methods of cleaning your ears.
  • Use of cotton buds.
  • Use of ear cones.

Clean the ears with curettes or earpicks.

Despite being a prevalent custom among the population, the use of sticks can cause serious infections, even problems in the eardrum that can be perforated. With the swabs, we help introduce the wax even more into the ear, and there may be traces of cotton inside.

In-ear cones, it has also become a common practice that poses obvious risks by placing a flame very close to the ear, face, and hair.

Finally, the use of curettes or earpicks also poses a particular danger when introducing these instruments of metallic material in our ear canal. Lack of knowledge or difficulty with the technique can cause severe injuries to the skin or the eardrum.

Steps to clean your ear

Do you have the impression that you can hear less well in one ear? Do you feel pressure or ringing in your ear canal? A plug of earwax may have formed in your ear. Here are some tips for making an ear bath that will relieve you effectively.

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The earwax plug

The ear naturally produces earwax to protect itself. Sometimes, however, due to excessive secretion or too intense use of cotton swabs, plugs can form in the ear. If you want to get a remedy quickly and avoid discomfort or an ear infection’s appearance, it is advisable to perform an ear bath.

Several methods can try out at home before seeking medical attention. Thanks to the ear bath, you can quickly unclog your ear canal and end the discomfort caused by your plug.

Clean with lukewarm or oxygenated water

When you want to carry out an ear bath, it is advisable to bring a pear sold in pharmacies. Fill it with lukewarm water and gently inject the water into your ear canal by tilting your head to the side. You can also use seawater sprays that you will find in pharmacies.

If this method is not sufficient, you can perform cleaning with hydrogen peroxide. Place a few drops of 3% hydrogen peroxide in your ear canal, massage the ear cartilage, and then remove the water. If the blockage persists, do not hesitate to perform this bath three times a day.

Appointment with an ENT doctor

If your wax plug does not come off despite the ear bath, then you should make an appointment with your doctor or ENT doctor. Equipped with the appropriate tools (pliers, vacuum cleaner, etc.), he will be able to remove your earwax plug.

Alternatives: oils or a lukewarm cloth on the ear

There are alternative methods such as olive oil or almond oil to prevent or remove a plug of earwax. Warm the oil with your hands and pour 3 or 4 drops into your ear canal with your head. It tilted to the side. Repeat the operation 1 or 2 times a day if necessary.

A warm or warm cloth can also help you get rid of excess earwax. Heat a fabric with your iron, lie on your side, and place the material on your blocked ear. Wait a few minutes, and then rinse your ear with lukewarm water. The purpose of the heat is to soften the earwax to facilitate its evacuation.

Avoid cleaning with a cotton swab.

It would be best if you avoided the formation of earwax plugs. It is essential to limit the use of the cotton swab. You can clean the pinna of your ear, but we don’t recommend to go deep into the ear canal. In addition to packing the earwax to the back of the ear, you risk damaging your eardrum. There are alternatives to the cotton swab that make cleaning less invasive and more efficient.

Cleaning your ears is part of many people’s grooming routine every morning. But do we do it properly?

Carrying out this cleaning is a significant activity to avoid infections or any hearing problems. Therefore, from Doshoydos, our center specialized in hearing health and hearing aids, we present an efficient and straightforward method: cleaning the ears with hydrogen peroxide. 

This product makes it possible to thin the skin’s corneal layer and help the wax or cerumen detach from our ears.

Maintaining good hearing health is essential for people’s quality of life. For this reason, Doshoydos works with the latest technologies in hearing material to help its clients improve their daily lives, recommending the correct care of the hearing organ and periodic check-ups.

Other uses of hydrogen peroxide: hydrogen peroxide in ear

1. Treats ear infections 

Put three drops of hydrogen peroxide in each of your ears and let it act. Put the head on the side so that the earwax and bacteria flow along with the foam. Perfect in case of otitis externa. And don’t worry, it doesn’t hurt at all.

2. Eliminates pesticides. 

Soak your fruits and vegetables in a solution of 50 ml of hydrogen peroxide to 750 ml of water for 30 minutes. Then, rinse well and store your fruits and vegetables in the refrigerator. Just make sure the fruits and veg aren’t damaged or crooked, so the solution doesn’t seep into them. To discover: 6 Uses of Oxygenated Water in the Garden that NOBODY Knows


3. Kills germs in the air 

Mix 500 ml of hydrogen peroxide in 4 liters of water. Then pour the solution into an air humidifier. As it diffuses, it will not produce odors, but it will eliminate any airborne germs. The air is completely purified! No more viruses are roaming your home. 

4.Cleans the toothbrush 

Leaving a wet toothbrush all day or night is not a good idea for hygiene. Bacteria grow there faster. To avoid this, soak it in a glass of hydrogen peroxide.

5. Get rid of foot fungus 

Mix hydrogen peroxide and water in equal parts in a non-transparent spray to avoid exposure to light. Apply directly to areas where the yeast infection is growing without rinsing. To Discover: Mycosis Of The Feet: The Tested And Approved Remedy To Kill Them. 6. Detaches the laundry Blood, sweat, wine, or fruit stains. Hydrogen peroxide eliminates all so-called “organic” stains. Just soak the stain with hydrogen peroxide, leave it to lather, and then usually wash in a machine.

6. Prevents swimmer’s ear infection 

Children are often affected by swimmer’s ear in summer due to frequent bathing. Clean your children’s ears preventively with hydrogen peroxide.

7. Treats corns and calluses 

Mix equal parts hydrogen peroxide and water, then soak your feet in this mixture to soften the corn or callus.

8. Eliminate boils 

Pour 250 ml of hydrogen peroxide in your bath and soak yourself in it. The hydrogen peroxide will act on the spots and cure them without you realizing it.

9. Cleanses the skin 

Hydrogen peroxide has anti-bacterial properties that cleanse and purify the face. Goodbye, pimples, acne, and other blackheads! To do this, pass a cotton ball soaked in hydrogen peroxide on your face at least three evenings a week.  

10. Cleanses the mouth 

Make a regular mouthwash with hydrogen peroxide. Not only does it kill bacteria that cause bad breath, but it also whitens teeth.

11. Cleans and disinfects wounds 

For minor injuries, cuts, or scratches, hydrogen peroxide is the ideal disinfectant. For fast healing without bacteria that delay recovery.

12. Relieves toothache 

By gargling with a mixture of coconut oil and hydrogen peroxide, you can quickly and effectively relieve dental pain.

13. Cleanses the sinuses 

Washing the nasal passages is essential, especially with a cold. You can do this with a little pure or diluted hydrogen peroxide.

14. Lightens hair. 

Pass a little hydrogen peroxide on individual strands of your hair to lighten them. It makes an excellent and very natural “sunbathing” effect. And it also works for the down above the upper lip.

15. Cleans all surfaces 

Hydrogen peroxide is perfect for cleaning, sanitizing, and disinfecting all surfaces. Use it as a multi-action whole house cleaner.

16. Cleans contact lenses 

Clean your contact lenses in a solution of hydrogen peroxide and water in equal parts. Let them soak overnight!

17. Clean up reusable shopping bags

They too have the right to their cleaning! Especially after transporting smelly meat or fish. The hydrogen peroxide cleans the load, disinfects, and deodorizes it.

18. Wash windows and mirrors 

Clean your windows and mirrors with hydrogen peroxide to make them shine. Leave to act and lather before wiping with a clean cloth! 

19. Disinfect the lunch box. 

Picnics sometimes flow into the boxes: it’s not clean! Especially since germs develop very quickly there. The hydrogen peroxide disinfects and cleans the box effortlessly.


FAQ of hydrogen peroxide in ear

  1. How to clean a blocked ear?

A warm cloth can also help you get rid of excess earwax.  Heat a fabric with your iron, lie on your side, and place the material on your blocked ear.  Wait a few minutes, and then rinse your ear with lukewarm water.

  1. How to unblock an ear with a home remedy? 

The natural method of evacuating earwax is Olive oil and mineral oil. It softens the plugs! Instill a drop in the affected ear twice a week, and then use the washcloth method.

  1. How to treat a blocked eustachian tube?

Blow your nose correctly at least five to six times a day, more if necessary (cold).  Each nostril should be emptied separately by doing the following: Hold the tissue between your thumb and forefinger while covering the nose. Plug one nostril with the index finger and unclog the other by blowing very hard.  

  1. Does an earwax plug hurt?

A plug of earwax can also cause severe pain in the ear.  They mean that infection and inflammation is happening. From the moment the duct is blocked, there is friction between the earwax.


Hydrogen peroxide in ear wax cleaning system is necessary to keep our ear healthy. We can further differentiate between cleaning using small instruments. Which are specially designed for this purpose or using ceruminolytic products. It has the property of dissolving the earwax so that it flows more quickly towards the outside. Self-cleaning is strongly discouraged because it involves many risks and dangers that the individual does not even suspect. 

Without seeing what you are doing, it is impossible to control your gestures when cleaning the ear with a small instrument. It is a delusion to believe that one controls exactly the depth to which one sticks it in the ear.