How to Get Blood Out of Clothes

how to get blood out of clothes

Introduction of how to get blood out of clothes

Some stains on clothes can wash away easily. But some sticky spots do not remove easily, such as bloodstains. It is not possible to get blood out of clothes completely using chemicals or even in a laundry shop. However, some kitchen utensils that can easily remove blood stains sitting at home. In today’s article, I will show you how to get blood out of clothes.

However, from paper clippings to scraped knees – you don’t have to be incredibly clumsy to cause a bleeding wound. Although the first reaction could remove the blood with a tissue, this does not mean that the remaining blood is impregnated and stains the clothes.

Blood is the enemy of‌ clothes. It soaks into the fibers and dries. When the bloodstain is encrusted, dislodging it becomes a real headache. Therefore, it is undoubtedly advisable to treat stains immediately; You can check our guide on how to get blood out of clothes here. 

However, if you find a stain on your clothes hours after the blood has dried: all is not lost. Some home remedies are beneficial to remove dried blood. Here are some tips from our grandmothers to how to get blood out of clothes.

How to get blood out of clothes

Blood not only stains clothes, but it can also get onto sofas and rugs.

If you’ve just bought a fabulous leather sofa, it may be a bit easier to remove – rub it in with soapy water (dish soap works), and it should start to wear off. But if you have an upholstered sofa or stained piece of clothing that is still tough, here are some super active methods to remove raw and dried blood stains. But these are not suitable for use on all types of fabric, so be careful. Always test a small area of ​​material first.


Our ancestors used to remove a blood stain from a garment using freshly squeezed lemon juice. As soon as the tissue stain with blood, remove it and immediately run it under cold water to remove the excess. Then, pour the juice of 1/2 lemon directly on the color and leave it on for 30 minutes, so that the lemon absorbs the blood. Then wash your clothes by hand or in a washing machine. To clear up dried blood, rub half a lemon on the stain and sprinkle some table salt on top. Leave on for ten minutes and then use a damp cloth to remove what remains as part of the dry blood stain removal process.

Coarse salt: To get rid of a bloodstain, our grandmothers also used coarse salt. Just fill a basin with cold water and add 5 tbsp of coarse salt. Then immerse the stained garment in the bay, then wait a few hours before putting it in the machine. It’s very easy way to remove a blood stain from clothing.

White vinegar: If, despite your multiple attempts, the bloodstain persists, try this trick. Dilute 125 ml of white vinegar in 500 ml of cold water and soak the stained garment in this mixture for at least 3 hours. Rinse with cold water and then wash as soon as the stain is gone.

Hydrogen Peroxide:

With a small amount, apply to the stain, then blot with a paper towel. While it is safe, hydrogen peroxide acts as a bleaching agent, so be aware that it could damage certain fabrics’ colors. Always test a small area first and take all safety precautions by reading the label and wearing protective clothing.

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Coca-Cola: It often spreads arms and legs outside the house in an accident, blood stains on clothes. Then where do you get vinegar? Buy Coca-Cola or Pepsi from a store and wash stained clothes with it. It is better to keep it soaked for a while. Then rinse with water.

Cornflower: Make a paste by mixing a little cold water with cornflower or corn starch. Apply the paste by rubbing on the stained part of the cloth. Then dry the cloth in the sun. When the paste is dry, brush it. You will see that the stain of the cloth is also gone with the corn flower powder.

Hairspray: If all else fails, try hairspray. Apply directly to the stain, leave on for a minute, and wipe away the residue with a damp cloth. It is a very beneficial to remove a blood stain from clothing.

Removing a blood stain from cotton underwear

The bloodstains are unfortunately quite usual: a fall on the bitumen, an injury while gardening, opening Suites, all those little accidents will leave traces awful. And now you got a bloodstain on a cotton undergarment. It is incredibly annoying because if there are many delicate stains on a cotton undergarment, it is mostly the bloodstain! Does everyone say that it is impossible to remove a blood stain from cotton underwear? Well, we tell you that it is wrong. In truth, it is impossible to remove a blood stain from cotton underwear!

Some of our remedies will help you with the best techniques for removing blood stains from clothing, especially cotton underwear.

What to do:

    • To effectively remove a fresh blood stain from cotton underwear, you will need to act as quickly as possible so that the bloodstain does not freeze. It is better to clean the fresh paint by rubbing it gently with a sheet of kitchen paper.
    • Then, after having prepared a mixture of cold water and soap or washing powder, you will rub the stain dynamically. And rinse.
  • If the stain remains, add a little hydrogen peroxide and let sit for a few minutes.

What not to do:

  • First of all, you should know that you should never wash a bloodstain with hot water. Hot water will sometimes make the blood clot. The bloodstain will also not remove in this way, but it will turn into an even more resistant stain. Then it will be challenging to remove this bloodstain. 
  • If you want to remove blood stains from cotton underwear, it is best not to use bleach. The bleach will remove part of the color; however, it will leave a few yellow halos.

Tips for encrusted stains

When you want to remove a blood-encrusted stain on cotton underwear, the most efficient technique is the DAKIN. It is a lotion that you can buy at a drugstore. You have to impregnate cotton with Dakin and, of course, dab the bloodstain with the cotton. It will take a few minutes, and the stain will disappear!

Otherwise, another trick also exists to remove a blood stain from cotton underwear: A simple aspirin pill. To do this, it will suffice to dissolve an effervescent aspirin tablet in a glass of water. Impregnate with a clean cloth then apply to the stain and rub.

The last effective solution to remove a bloodstain on clothing: baking soda. You need to soak the stain with cold water, put some baking soda on it, and add a little water again. A paste will then form on the bloodstain. Let dry for at least 5 minutes and carefully scrape to remove. How to remove clotted blood stains from clothes:

If there is clotted blood on the fabric’s surface, try scraping it off with a stiff brush or spoon.

Using an effective pretreatment like marseille soap, rub the stain with a damp cloth, then rinse.

As the last step, wash the clothing item in the washing machine with your regular laundry detergent.


How to get blood out of clothes dried bloodstain?

Fresh blood stains are removed by washing with soap and water. But if blood stains appear on the clothes due to prolonged stay, then soapy water alone does not work. In this feature, I will learn about the way to remove dried blood stains.

  1. White vinegar
  • Vinegar has a unique cleaning ability, and it is available very cheaply. Vinegar also works well to remove blood stains.
  • If the stain covers a small area, soak the stained part of the cloth in a container with vinegar for about 30 minutes. Then remove the fabric from the vinegar to see if the stain is gone. If not, soak the stained part of the cloth for a while longer.
  • If there is a large stain, spread it on a towel under the cloth, then pour vinegar on the part of the cloth stain and wait for 30 minutes. To get better result repeat this procedure.
  • Then, wash the cloth usually.
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  1. Hydrogen peroxide

Another tested product to remove dried blood stains is hydrogen peroxide. Apply hydrogen peroxide directly on the blood stain and wait for 5-10 minutes. Then wipe the stain with a clean sponge or cloth. It works wonderfully to remove blood stains from white fabric. Before staining the colored material, apply a small amount on the cloth’s corners to see if the fabric’s color rises.

Hydrogen peroxide turns into the water in contact with light. So after applying hydrogen peroxide, wrap that part of the cloth with plastic and then cover it with a towel. Another way is to use hydrogen peroxide on the dried blood stains and rub with a clean cloth. If necessary, rub well with more hydrogen peroxide. Then re-apply hydrogen peroxide and wait 5 minutes. Heat an iron and hold it over the stain. That will remove the color, but the spots will stay in the area where hydrogen peroxide is applied. Soak this part in water and re-iron it. The stain will go away.


  1. Ammonia

Blood stains can remove easily using ammonia. Colors can be easily removed from white cloth using ammonia. But you can try using ammonia only if other methods fail to remove blood stains from colored material.



Before using any method to remove the dried blood stains on the cloth, first soak the fabric in cold water overnight. If the color does not go away, use any of the other methods.

Before using any method to remove stains, apply the material to the part of the dye so that it does not spread on the clean part of the garment.

Before using any product to remove stains from colored fabrics, use the remedy inside the garment to see if the color is lost.


FAQ of how to get blood out of clothes

  1. How to remove a blood starin from silk clothing? 

When you try to remove a blood stain from silk clothing, you should apply a gentle approach. Take a teaspoon salt and 250 ml of cold water. Now mix it well and pour it into a spray bottle. Use the mixture on the spot and wipe it off with a cotton fabric. Wait for 15-20 minutes and then wash it off with cold water. 

  1. How to get blood out of clothes?

Before using any method to remove the dried blood stains on the cloth, first soak the fabric in cold water overnight. If the color does not go away, use any of the other methods.

Before using any method to remove stains, apply the material to the part of the dye so that it does not spread on the clean part of the garment.

Before using any product to remove stains from colored fabrics, use the remedy inside the garment to see if the color is lost.

  1. How to remove blood stain from a mattress?

Bloodstains can remove easily using ammonia. Colors can be easily removed from white cloth using ammonia. But you can try using ammonia only if other methods fail to remove blood stains from colored material.

  1. How do you remove old bloodstain?

With a small amount, apply to the stain, then blot with a paper towel. While it is safe, hydrogen peroxide acts as a bleaching agent, so be aware that it could damage certain fabrics’ colors. Always test a small area first and take all safety precautions by reading the label and wearing protective clothing.