How to Become a Successful YouTuber like the Famous ones

how to become a successful youtuber

Let me face it. What if you make hundreds of thousands of dollars on YouTube with your cell phone per month? Hey! Can you believe that everyone can make a considerable amount of money on YouTube like the professional ones? How to Become a Successful YouTuber?

So, This is my personal experience. Typically, many of the general people may have thought to make money on a YouTube channel before. And some of them might rarely have tried to make their personal YouTube brand to influence others so that they can generate money.

No matter, whatever that is!

Although most of them have been successful in building their brand identity, on the other hand, many of them have become failed to reach their destination. So, That’s why it’s somewhat critical to show the right path to becoming a successful YouTuber for the time being.

8 Easy tips and tricks on “How to Become a Successful YouTuber with a cell phone.”

So, In our daily life, we often see thousands of professional YouTubers here and there. To see their malicious lifestyle, sometimes, we get under frustration. We always think we cannot be like them. But, Think of you; (in today’s article) I’m going to recommend you the eight easy tips and tricks so that you bounce back from failure to success.

Also, you should consume this post at least once form A to Z so that you can apply these killing tips while working. Afterward, you must take an action plan to reach your desired-goal on YouTube within a few months.

I’m giving your success guarantee if you follow these tricks every day.

Let’s know more!

way of becoming a successful youtuber

First of all, here is (at a glance) what you have to do when you’re going to start a new YouTube channel for the time being. Wink your eyes bang on.

Don’t forget to set your dream goal: 

I’ve seen that it’s a common mistake of every new YouTuber or the amateur video content creators that they forget to set a goal for them. Plus, this common mistake they do not only at the time of launching a YouTube channel but also all aspects of their day to day lives.

As you’re going to set about a YouTube channel right now, let’s face my questions and let me know by commenting below to get a clear idea about your thoughts. What can you achieve on your YouTube journey if you forget to set a goal for you? What will you achieve if you don’t have any idea about how to develop a dream goal at the time of launching a YouTube channel?

In short, set your dream goal along with an exact number of dollars what you want to achieve with the next one or two year(s). Apart from this, how many YouTube subscribers you wish to accomplish by an exact period of time. It’s a critical task for every new YouTuber.

 Write down the next two years working plan: 

It goes without saying that you must fail to achieve your desired goal if you don’t take note of the next two years working plan. To help you that you can build an action plan for you for the next two years, I’m going to show you a demo action plan. I hope that this action plan will play a vital role for those new YouTubers who are very much eager to reach their goal by a specific time of period.

Here is a demo action plan for the next two years so that you can build for like this one. Try to cope up with this.

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Deadline Number of Viewers Number of Subscribers Earning Target (Each Month)

Up to 6 months 25,000 to 50,000 10,000 $200

7 to 12 months 50,000 to 1 million Around 50,000 $500

13 to 18 months Around 1.5 million Around 1 million $1,000

19 to 24 months Around 5 million Around 2 million $3,000 to $5,000

24 to 48 months Around 20 million Around 20 million Hundreds of thousands of dollars

Note: this is a mere action plan along with earning targets. This is my personal suggeston for you as a professional. Just try to cope up with this and make an action plan along with earning target for you.

 Learn how to select a less competitive YouTube niche: 

Let me tell you this is a universal truth for every new YouTuber. It’s impossible to achieve the dream goal forever if you don’t learn how to select one of the best niches for launching the first YouTube channel. Finding out the first YouTube channel niche is a bit critical for the new YouTuber. On the other hand, once you can figure out a perfect YouTube niche to launch the first YouTube channel, the day is not so far that success will shout at you.

Here is how to select one of the best YouTube niches to start someone’s first YouTube channel. Let’s know in-depth!

First of all, stay far away from competitions. Some of the new and amateur content creators start their first YouTube channel to look at the jealousy success of the successful YouTubers. But, They don’t think about the ultimate competitions of those niche what the famous YouTubers are doing. So, This is one of the most common reasons behind being a failure in YouTube journey. If you have the ability to understand the competitions of famous YouTubers, you’ll never ever launch your first YouTube channel on those niches. Here is a list of YouTube channels in order that you can simply avoid these niches.

  • News;
  • Entertainment;
  • Sports;
  • Tech;
  • Games, etc.

There are plenty of less competitive niches in this industry to start your first YouTube channel. Stay far away from competitions and launch your first YouTube channel with any less competitive place.


Secondly: there is one crucial thing that you should bear in your mind. The niche, you want to build your first YouTube channel, is profitable enough. I mean, the YouTube niche has maximum opportunities for earning money. There are a lot of YouTube niches you can start your first YouTube channel to keep yourself away from massive competitions. If you want to achieve your goal within your targeted time, then you must follow this.

Thirdly: stay with your passion. Don’t focus much on the money. Instead, start Your first YouTube channel with such a topic you have power enough. How to Become a Successful YouTuber

 Consistency is the key to success: 

It’s essential to have consistency at any work. Let me tell you that consistency is the ultimate key to success. Here, once you’ve completed all the initial jobs and uploaded your first video proudly, this job is not enough for you. you have to have consistency to upload videos on a regular base.

Don’t worry. You don’t need to upload one or two video(s) per day. Instead, you have to have regularity to publishing videos to keep your audience with you.

Suppose you’ve published one video today and get under your comfort zone for three weeks, then you must fail to hold your audience with you. In this situation, your audience will think that you’re not passionate about your job. That’s why consistency is very much essential to be successful in the YouTube platform.

 Learn How to SEO of a YouTube Channel: 

SEO is a short word of search engine optimization. I mean, it’s a way of ranking videos on the first page of YouTube search bar for a specific keyword. It’s an unavoidable task for the success seekers of the YouTube platform. The reason behind this, the more top your YouTube videos appear on the first page of YouTube channel, the better results you’ll gain day by day. How to Become a Successful YouTuber

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There are two parts of SEO. These are:

  • On-site SEO
  • And off-site SEO.

On-site SEO for a YouTube Channel: 

it means those types of tasks that you have to do the backside of YouTube channel. Once you complete all the on-site jobs in the proper ways, your YouTube videos may rank on the first page of the YouTube search bar. I’m going to list all the on-site works that you should do the right way.

These are:

  • Rename your YouTube video with the root keyword.
  • Decide a killing video title with your targeted keyword.
  • Add at least ten different tags holding the root keyword.
  • Categorize your YouTube videos based on micro-niches.
  • Make a super-duper video thumbnail so that people can click your videos more and more.

Of-site SEO:

off-site SEO has plenty of tasks likewise On-site SEO. Once you complete your off-site SEO jobs, your YouTube channel may get rank on the first page of the YouTube search bar bit by bit.

These tasks are:

  • If possible, then make a website of the same name of your YouTube channel. Plus, write an article following the same title that you’ve made for your YouTube video title.
  • Deal with the bloggers and try to manage them so that they can give you a chance to write a guest post on their website. Thus, you can add your video to that guest post.
  • Open social media account on the famous ones. For example, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook, etc. share your videos on these platforms as much as you can.
  • Embed your video code to other blogs.

If you do these on-site and off-site tasks with the right way, I’m sure that every video of your YouTube channel will get rank on YouTube search bar day by day. I hope that you got the point. How to Become a Successful YouTuber

 Keep you up with trending topic:

It’s another important matter that you need to keep up with the trending topic. Also, This habit will help you to reach your goal within a certain period of time. There is a famous online tool to find out the trending topic. That’s called Google trend. So, Visit the Google trend website, and pick up thousands of trending topics to boost your YouTube channel organically.

 Know the top ways of making money on YouTube: 

There are plenty of opportunities to make money on YouTube at present as YouTube is one of the best video content sharing websites across the world. Moreover, I’m going to show you a few common strategies with you so that you can make money on YouTube within a certain period of time. Save these proven-strategies in your mind.

  1. Become a YouTube partner program so that you can monetize your videos with ads.
  2. Create a few product unboxing videos along with putting your affiliate links on the description box.
  3. If possible, then make a private video course on YouTube and influence people to purchase the system with money.
  4. Look for sponsorship from the famous companies that are related to your niche.
  5. Try to sell your own products.

Make a good relationship with the famous YouTubers in the same niche: You should have a connection with the world-famous YouTubers who are working on your category. Make a good relationship with them. Once you make a good relationship with them, now try to make an informative video collaborating with them. So, This is a proven-strategy by many successful YouTubers.

Final Verdict: 

In a nutshell, YouTube is one of the best video content sharing platforms all over the world from the very beginning. Almost everyone knows that it has a vast number of active users each and every day. So I can ensure that you’ll be able to generate hundreds of thousands of dollars on YouTube once you properly build a YouTube channel in the proper way. But, bear it in your mind that the more growth percentage your YouTube channel has, the more opportunities you have to make lots of dollars.

You’ll never ever have to look behind you for money once you’ve been able to build at least one YouTube channel for you.

So, How to become successful on YouTube and make money on YouTube these days are general questions by the mass-people. Especially, for those who don’t have any IT knowledge at all. That’s why I’ve written this post in order that you can get a clear concept about this topic and get rid of doubt. How to Become a Successful YouTuber

Anyway, let us know by commenting if you have anything else to see from me that is related to this topic. So, I’ll try hard and soul to reply to you as early as I can. How to Become a Successful YouTuber