Your Guide to Finding the Best Virtual Data Room Providers

virtual data room providers

Did you know that investing in a virtual data room (VDR) provider can cost you anywhere between $100 and $200 per month?

That’s why it’s so important to make sure that you find the right VDR for you before you buy it. Here’s our guide to finding the best virtual data room providers.

What Are Virtual Data Room Providers?

You might be wondering: what are virtual data room providers anyway? Basically, a VDR is a safe data storage space that you can access at any time. Not only that, but they’re also a great way to hold digital meetings with other companies.

It gets better. VDRs are also used for other business purposes, including:

  • Mergers and acquisitions
  • Loan syndication
  • Private equities
  • Venture capital

What businesses are using VDRs?

Surprisingly, many different kinds of companies are using VDRs. In fact, the biotechnology, accounting, and investment management sectors all use VDR for their business needs. Plus, the real estate, energy, and legal sectors utilize VDR daily.

That’s not all. With the growing demand of VDRs, there are a ton of VDR providers to choose from. If you’re looking to invest in a VDR, there are several things you should look for, such as:

  • Safe data storage
  • Data management
  • Sharing capabilities

Luckily, you have our guide to help you find the ultimate VDR.

How to Find the Best VDR Providers

Finding the best VDR provider can be tough. Fortunately, we’ve got your back. Here’s a list of the best data room providers:

  • iDeals Virtual Data Room
  • Intralinks Dealspace
  • Merrill DataSite
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First of all, the iDeals Virtual Data Room is one of the most popular data room service providers. The proof? Over 4,000 international businesses have used iDeals Virtual Data Room in the last decade.

If you’re really looking for safeguard your company documents, then you might want to try Intralinks Dealspace. It’s the perfect place to:

  • Transfer information to others
  • Control the flow of information
  • Manage exchanges between companies

Do you want to a smooth-running due diligence process? For those who answered “yes,” then you should consider purchasing Merrill DataSite. This VDR is fantastic for M&As, initial public offering, and disposals.

Additional VDR Providers

What’s the best virtual data room? Additional VDR providers include:

  • SmartRoom VDR
  • BlackBerry Workspaces
  • Box Virtual Data Room
  • Brainloop Secure Dataroom

Still not sure where to look? Thankfully we’ve got your back. Read our data room provider reviews for help.

Choosing the Right VDR Provider

Bottom line: when it comes to choosing the right VDR provider, it can feel like finding a needle in a haystack. But with our handy guide, finding the best virtual data room providers will be a piece of cake.

From transferring information to conducting virtual meetings, VDRs are a wonderful way to share company documents securely.

Don’t forget to contact us if you have any comments or questions!