5 Keys to Mobile Marketing Success for Small Businesses

mobile marketing success

It’s official.

Mobile has taken over as the preferred device when folks are accessing the Internet. Whether it’s a smartphone, tablet, or some other kind of mobile device, research shows that mobile traffic has consistently been outpacing desktop traffic in recent years.

So what does that mean for your business?

Simple: you need to plan for mobile marketing success if you want to experience overall marketing success. Communicating with customers now requires that you leverage a mobile-friendly website and mobile-optimized marketing strategy.

Knowing the importance of mobile, however, is one thing. But implementing mobile marketing? That’s quite another task altogether. In this article, we’ll explain five key aspects of mobile marketing that you can start implementing in your business today.

1. Optimize Your Website

The first and most important thing that you can do to achieve mobile marketing success is to optimize your website to be mobile-friendly. It’s clear that your audience will be accessing your website from their mobile devices. If your layout isn’t mobile-friendly, then you won’t be able to engage your visitors.

In addition, Google’s spiders can tell when a website is not mobile-friendly. And because so much mobile search traffic exists, Google will penalize your website for that reason.

2. Develop an App

Another way to connect with your customers through a mobile marketing strategy is to develop an app. The right application can set you head and shoulders above your competition while also allowing your brand to interact with customers in a more personal way.

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3. Be More Social

When folks are on their mobile devices, some of their most often used apps are their social media apps. Thus, if you want them to spend time interacting through your brand when they are on their mobile device, ensure that your social presence is up to snuff.

Establish a presence on all of the leading platforms that are relevant to your industry. Make your presence very personable; customers prefer to interact with real people rather than faceless corporations.

4. Don’t Focus on Just One Device

You can’t just optimize your mobile strategy for just one kind of device. While smartphones are the king of mobile traffic, they aren’t the only device that people use.

Instead, make sure that you are optimizing for layouts on slightly larger devices like tablets as well.

5. Incorporate SMS Campaigns

Last but not least, one of the ways that you can achieve mobile marketing success is to incorporate SMS campaigns. Text is a very personal way that you can communicate with customers. If you get a member of your audience to give you their phone number and subscribe to a text campaign, there’s a good shot that you could win their business.

SMS campaigns are expensive, though. You might need to leverage a loan option like Loanpal to finance this strategy.

Mobile Marketing Success Doesn’t Have to Be Hard

There you have it. If you implement these mobile marketing tips, then there’s no doubt that mobile marketing success is very close at hand.

Check out the rest of our website for more business advice.

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