One of the most common exams you’ll come across in the world of information technology is the ICND1 exam, also known as the Interconnecting Cisco Network Devices Part 1 test. Focused on network fundamentals, the test features between 45 and 55 questions.
Passing the ICND1 network exam is easy if you prepare accordingly with the best online resources. Here’s what you should know about preparing for the exam.
What questions are in Part 1 of the exam?
The first part of the ICND1 exam is focused on network fundamentals. Questions in this section may include topics like firewalls, access points, and comparisons of various network topologies. Expect, too, to have to be able to troubleshoot a range of networks, including IPv4 addressing, as well as IPv6 addressing.
What questions are in Part 2 of the exam?
The second section of the ICND1 test covers questions about LAN switching. Both frame switching and MAC learning are covered in this portion of the exam, and you will also want to brush up on your knowledge of how to configure and test both port security and interswitch connectivity.
What questions are in Part 3 of the exam?
The third portion covered in the ICND1 exam is all about routing. From packet handling to network masks, it’s important that you understand how to create and interpret routing tables in order to perform well on this section of the test. Like the first part of the exam, you’ll be expected to know about these concepts in relation to IPv4 and IPv6 addressing.
What questions are in Part 4 of the exam?
Part 4 of the exam focuses on infrastructure services, while the fifth part focuses on infrastructure maintenance. In part four, expect to be able to work through client-side issues through DNS as well as understand how DHCP is configured. You’ll want to have a good understanding of routing, as well is NAT and IPv4 interfaces, too.
What questions are in Part 5 of the exam?
In the final portion of the exam, you will be tested on infrastructure maintenance. The smallest portion of the test addresses issues such as device monitoring and management and device learning. Your knowledge of the Cisco IOS tools will also be tested here, so be sure to brush up on device upgrades, discovery, and recovery within Cisco.
Being able to answer questions from all of these exam categories may sound daunting, but it doesn’t have to be. By taking an ICND1 practice test, you can test your knowledge from each category above and see where you need to spend more time studying. Then, you’ll be sure to ace the real exam!