What Causes Skin Tags – Solution and Treatment

what causes skin tags

If you have skin tags and if you want to know what causes skin tags then this article is for you. Skin tags looks like little balls of flesh that form on the surface of the skin on your body or face. You are indeed dreaming of eliminating them naturally. 

It is difficult to make them go away entirely because they are symptoms of the papillomavirus (HPV). Nevertheless, with regular care, it is possible to remove them and prevent their future appearance. Here is a simple and 100% natural and painless method to make it happen!

We also know the skin tags as the name of fibroepithelial papilloma or fibroepithelial polyp. They are painless, benign, and non-contagious growths of skin whose exact origin is still challenging to determine. Let’s know more about what causes skin tags?

What causes skin tags?

Due to the lack of scientific research on this subject, specialists struggle to understand skin tags’ causes and origins. Among the diagnostic elements identified by professionals, we find:

Skin tags and papillomavirus

The papillomavirus is a family of sexually transmitted viruses with a tropism. That is to say, a specificity to infect the skin and mucous membranes. There are about 100 of them, and 40% can infect the genitals. Some are more carcinogenic than others.

High-risk viruses (HR) are potentially oncogenic like HPV 16 & 18, responsible for genital cancers, including that of the cervix. Fortunately, in 85% of cases, the infection is only temporary and disappears, thanks to the patient’s antibodies. The term viral clearance uses or even harmful when the patient’s immune system has overcome the virus.

When the virus persists, lesions can be created and turn into cancer in the long term, that is to say, 10 to 15 years, sometimes 20 years.

Low-risk viruses, HPV 6 and 11, are responsible for small external warts. However, xerophytic condylomata (rooster crests, venereal adenoids). Although benign, they are troublesome, first of all, d ‘an aesthetic point of view, but incredibly uncomfortable due to itching.

They are also very contagious.

Skin tags are often related or even confused with condyloma. Only a doctor can identify the root cause of the appearance of these skin growths.

The virus spreads from sexual contamination from the first intercourse. Young people between the ages of 18 and 35 are the most affected. 70% of young people contract the virus within two years of first having sex.

Getting rid of the virus is quite simple since 90% of infected people eliminate it within two or three years, entirely thanks to the immune system. The papillomavirus’s presence does not look at systematically for inpatients but should soon become an integral part of screening for the cervix.

Fortunately, there are several treatments to make them disappear quickly and permanently from your skin! We have selected natural and accessible methods for you, as well as professional techniques.

100% Natural solutions to prevent skin tags:

Then there are plenty of products in your kitchen and bathroom that have many uses, some of which you still don’t know. Here is the list of products that could help you against skin tags.

  1. Apple cider vinegar:

Please note that you can’t use this product for skin tags found on the mucous membranes. Also, avoid contact with the eyes, connecting with the vision, and giving you a painful and unpleasant burning sensation.

Yes, there is only one! All you need is apple cider vinegar. You probably already have it in your kitchen to prepare your salads. It is also useful in naturally removing lice from your children’s hair.

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The acetic acid in apple cider vinegar makes it an excellent natural household detergent, but this acid gives it its antiseptic power. It will kill the microbes responsible for the formation of the skin tag.

It also helps eliminate lice from children’s hair.

The vinegar serve as a fat burner during a diet and help lose weight by promoting fat elimination.

Usually, apple cider vinegar boosts the immune system and soothes burns. It contains acetic acid, which is an excellent household detergent without health risk. Also apple cider vinegar is antiseptic, which eliminates the microbes responsible for the appearance of skin tags.


Applying the natural anti-skin tag starts by cleaning the skin well with lukewarm water and a block of mild soap. Then pat dry the skin. Essential that is clean and dry to prevent contamination of other germs during the procedure.

  • It is preferable not to bleed the skin tag; this requires a professional and sterile procedure to avoid infection risk. Apple cider vinegar does not need a lesion to penetrate the tissue of the skin tag. Apply a piece of cloth or gauze previously soaked in apple cider vinegar and wrung out.
  • Apply the cloth or gauze to the tag. It may sting a little bit but be brave. Hold the tissue or gauze on the small wound with a piece of medical tape or a bandage overnight.
  • When you wake up, you can remove the bandage and rinse with lukewarm water.
  • Repeat nightly for 3 to 4 days. The tag will darken as it dries and will fall off on its own.
  1. Castor oil:

Castor oil has many beneficial properties for your body and your health. It accelerates the growth of eyelashes, eyebrows, beard, it is also a healing and anti-wrinkle treatment, but it also helps to remove warts, corns, and skin tags.


Before you start:

  • Make sure your skin is clean and dry to avoid further infection.
  • Soak and wring out a cotton ball, a piece of cloth, or castor oil gauze to place it on the skin tag.
  • Secure it with medical tape or a bandage.
  • The oil will reduce the skin tag but also large moles and warts in just a few days. They will fall off on their own without leaving a mark or scar.
  • Change the bandage and compress every day until the skin tag is completely and naturally gone.
  • If you don’t have castor oil at home, you can order it or use another remedy.
  1. Baking soda:

Baking soda is also found in your kitchen or bathroom. It has so many different uses that you wonder what it doesn’t heal or what it doesn’t clean.

It’s ideal for scouring your pans, replacing yeast, softening your bath, reducing your wrinkles, whitening your teeth, etc. Baking soda can be mixed with castor oil to create a paste that will dry out skin tissue and break your skin tags in about two weeks.

This method is more extended but more convenient if you have more than one. It is also less chemical than nail polish.


Mix the baking soda with the viscous castor oil to form a thick paste, then apply it to the areas where the tags are located and let dry. Repeat two to three times a day. Leave on overnight, if possible.


  1. Fenugreek seeds:

Fenugreek is a plant that has been used in natural medicine for centuries in India, Italy, Greece, and the Middle East. It contains powerful antioxidants and helps treat skin tags. If you are anemic or suffer from thyroid, fenugreek seeds are not recommended.


Soak the seeds in water for several hours or even overnight, drink the water containing the fenugreek seeds in the morning on an empty stomach and chew the seeds. Do not consume more than 100g of grains per day.

  1. Oregano oil:

Oregano oil is going to be used for the three types of terpenoid phenolic components it contains:

  • Thymol
  • Carvacrol
  • P-Cymene

They have powerful antibacterial but also anti-melanoma, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and antiseptic properties. This oil has the power to remove skin tags in just one month of use.

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Mix 2 to 3 drops of oregano oil with 4 to 6 drops of another oil, such as coconut oil, for example, which is also an antibacterial oil. Apply to the area two to three times a day. The tags will dry out and fall off on their own within a few days. Be careful not to use this remedy near the eyes and mucous membranes.

What causes skin tags: anti-skin tag treatment

  • Clean the skin around the ball of flesh with warm water and mild soap.
  • Dry the skin thoroughly.
  • Gently scrape the skin tag with a toothpick without causing it to bleed.
  • Dip a piece of cotton wool in apple cider vinegar and wring it out a little.
  • Apply the soaked cotton to the skin tag and secure it with a bandage.
  • Keep this bandage with the soaked cotton overnight.
  • When you wake up, remove the bandage and cotton and rinse thoroughly with water.
  • Repeat this treatment for 3 to 4 days until the tag turns a darker color. It will dry and fall off on its own!
  • Almost one in two people live with unsightly little balls of flesh in the neck, armpits, or elsewhere on the body. Although they are usually mild, these tags can be ugly or even bothersome. 

How to get rid of it?

Skin tags, commonly known as “pacifiers,” are growths on the skin that appear as small, soft, painless balls. Flesh-colored or slightly darker, they can appear anywhere on the body but are usually localized in places where the skin forms fold: eyelids, neck, armpits, groins, and below the breasts.

The causes of skin tags’ appearance remain unknown, but it is known that their number increases with age. Skin tags are also thought to develop more frequently in overweight and obese people, pregnant women, diabetics, adults over 40, and people whose close family has skin tags.

Dermatological solutions:

We recommend that you consult a dermatologist if you have any doubts about your skin tag’s appearance. If you wish to remove it, the doctor can suggest several almost painless and above all effective ablation methods!

Here are some examples:

ablation with a scalpel or surgical chisel: the doctor may suggest the application of an anesthetic cream beforehand

electrocoagulation: a needle sends an electric current to the base of the skin tag to destroy it.


FAQ of What causes skin tags

  1. Who is affected by skin tags?

Mature women are often victims of skin tags. Pregnant women and overweight people are also affected. These growths are often non-cancerous and benign, but it is best to consult a doctor before using any natural remedy to remove them.

  1. How to treat papillomavirus to get rid of skin tags?

If the skin tag is linked to the papillomavirus, the latter is eliminated naturally by the immune system. It suffices to boost the latter to get rid of the virus as soon as possible. For this, the first thing to do is stop the tobacco, which decreases strongly immune defenses and leads to papillomavirus persistence.


Opt for a lifestyle, good alkaline food hygiene based on fruits and vegetables, regular physical activity, and quality sleep. The consumption of alcohol and hard drugs is strongly discouraged. The healthier you are, the faster the papillomavirus will be eliminated.

  1. How to remove skin tags naturally?

There are medical methods, but also 100% natural and painless methods to remove skin tags naturally. These small polyps multiply on the skin in 1 to 8 weeks. They can be bothersome and unsightly.

  • Hereditary character
  • Increase with age
  • Increase with obesity
  • Maybe due to a disruption in the development of the sebaceous glands
  • The risk increases during friction with clothing

These growths may be related to the papillomavirus (HPV). However, there is a great deal of confusion between the papillomavirus and skin tags.

  1. How to get rid of skin tags?

Skin tags are safe; that’s why dermatologists recommend removing them only if they cause irritation or are bothersome, such as if you regularly hang them up with a razor, collar, or bra strap. They may then become tender or bleed slightly.

Conclusion of what causes skin tags

If you have sensitive skin that tends to heal poorly, some methods are better than others. You should also consider where your skin tags are located, as some remedies cannot be applied to the mucous membranes, sex, anus, and eyes, which are areas sensitive to certain products.

Finally, always consult a doctor before starting any treatments, in case of doubt, itching, or too long healing. Also, get tests for the papillomavirus to avoid doubts and the consequences to come!