Build your own gaming laptop and Play High Performance

Build your own gaming laptop

Who does not love to play video games? If you have a well-configured PC, then there is no point. But now most people use a laptop due to the computer is a portable device. We can take the laptop wherever we are. Since all the things on the desktop computer are possible on laptops, we currently use laptops more. But all the desktop works are done on the laptop, but one cannot comp, and the task of gaming, heavy quality graphics or video editing.Build your own gaming laptop

However, there are currently different types of gaming laptops in the market. There are available heavy-duty laptops, but they are also much more cost-effective with performance. And no matter how many gaming laptops they are used to “mobile GPU.” This means that the laptop version of the graphics card is used in them. So they cannot perform the same type of performance as the desktop graphics card.

On the other hand, the desktop graphics card cannot be installed on the laptop. So what do you do now?

We have to buy expensive laptops for heavy-duty tasks or gaming?

Build your own gaming laptop

Now, let see how to build your gaming Laptop with a massive quality graphics Game that will move well.

How to Build your gaming laptop?


Now you can connect the small box to any laptop and get the desktop GPU’s power and make your computer a “true” gaming PC.

What is the thing? It’s Impossible!! So let’s see…

First, you have known about Breakaway Puck to build your gaming laptop. “Breakaway Puck” came to the market to give laptops a performance like a real gaming PC. This is an eGPU that looks like a box. This external box contains a graphics card, and you can connect it to your laptop via USB.

This means that from now, you can install “Desktop Graphics Card” directly to laptops! Just connect to the computer via USB port and install the GPU driver on the computer, then this mini Device will be ready to use on your laptop.

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Sonnet has created the Device, and you can find two models in the market. You can quickly build your gaming laptop by using the below Device.

  1. Model Name: AMD RX 560 graphics card

      Price: 450$

  1. Model Name: AMD RX 570 graphics card

      Price: 600$

Now you can say that they are quite expensive!

Build your own gaming laptop



Yes, the newest thing on the market is the first thing a little expensive. Plus, you can use the desktop graphics card on your laptop, and if you have a slow laptop, you will not be able to understand how much it will perform after connecting this device. And how to enjoy building your gaming laptop and playing the game.

Setting The Gadget:

Build your gaming laptop. Setting up the devices is also relatively easy. Just connect the device to your computer with its 1 (one) feet tall USB-C cord. Laptops that are running Microsoft Windows 10 will relate to this eGPU immediately after connecting. Then download the driver on your device’s graphics card from the net and then restart the laptop!

There is also good news for those laptops that do not have a port connector to the computer. This eGPU box has 3 Display Port and one HDMI port. By connecting it to this device you can click the laptop to a different monitor.

The feature of the device:

However, this device also has some limitations. There are a few more places on the device where the Sonnet Company will need to upgrade in the future. These are some additional USB ports on the device that should be added. And yes, when you press on the desktop graphics card, notice that the GPU cooling fan is moving very fast.

And this device also has the same. The cooling fan will again be running faster when you load massive games or run a heavy-tasked program on a laptop. The result will be an XT word. And the size of the USB cord is only 1 foot, but the device that you can use to keep it far away will not be the same.

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Price of the Device:

You will buy this device with 450$ USD, and the graphics card inside it is AMD RX 560. And if this AMD RX 560 graphics card is separated from the market for 4GB DDR 5 version, you will be able to buy it for your desktop.

That means, without the graphics card, the price of the device is only about $ 300, which is almost double the cost of the graphics card in the device! Those who love to do on-the-go gaming or heavy-duty tasks on laptops; they can meet their needs through this device.

But if you are more budgetary then Razer, Asus can see eGPUs of big companies like these. Their prices will be higher, and the performance will be more.

I hope you can see a lot of things by reading the full tune. Suppose you have any questions about the device you can do Comment in the comment box. With the key-point of the device, I finish my today’s tune:

The critical point of the device:

  • The device wants to work with a laptop with Thunderbolt 3 port.
  • Without Windows 10, the device will not run on other operating systems
  • Mike wants to work with the High Sierra version, even if it is fully suspected that it will be serviced entirely because Mac devices with all Thunderbolt ports do not support AMD drivers.
  • The device has three display ports and an HDMI port, no separate USB port
  • Before connecting to an external display, you must first join the eGPU and install the driver
  • Some games may not support this eGPU (but have to make settings manually)
  • Currently, only two GPU models are available.

Finally, you build your own gaming laptop by using some external devices. Now enjoy your High-performance Gaming Laptop.