News about coronavirus disease in 2019 can easily be overwhelming. It is natural for children to feel anxious. At this stage, it is easy to feel overwhelmed by what you heard about coronavirus disease in 2019. If your baby is worried, too, this is understandable. Children may find it challenging to understand what they see online or online, or about others, so they are particularly vulnerable to anxiety, stress, and sadness. However, open and supportive discussions with your child can help them understand and respond to the current situation and have a positive impact on others as well.
Children may have difficulty understanding what they see online or on television or hear from others, and they are particularly prone to anxiety, depression, stress, or distress. However, a frank discussion with your child about the disease can support them to help them understand and respond to the situation and make their own contribution.
Here are some tips for communicating with your child:
Ask open-ended questions and listen.
First of all, let your kids talk about their views on the epidemic. Find out how much information they know and follow their thoughts. If the child is young and has not heard of the epidemic, this topic may not need to be raised. Just look for opportunities to remind your children to develop good hygiene habits without panicking them.
Also, be sure to discuss in a safe environment and allow your child to express themselves freely. Topics can be developed through activities such as drawing and storytelling.
The most important thing is not to underestimate or avoid your child’s concerns. Make sure you recognize their feelings and tell them that it is normal to be afraid of these things. Show that you are listening carefully and let your child know that they can communicate with the parent or teacher at any time.
listen to your child’s thoughts
Parents are urged to actively discuss the topic with their children to see how much information the child has learned and to follow their words to discuss. If the child is incredibly young and has not heard of the epidemic, there is no need to mention it, just remember and help them develop acceptable personal hygiene practices in time so that they are not afraid of new events.
Make sure your conversations take place in a safe environment so that your child can speak freely. Drawing, storytelling, or other forms of activity can also help in discussions.
Above all, don’t despise or avoid your child’s worries. Make sure you recognize their feelings and tell them that it is normal to be afraid of these things. Listen carefully, let your child know that parents are paying attention to them, and make sure they know they can talk to you or their teacher at any time.
Be honest and tell the truth in a child-friendly way.
Children have the right to know what’s going on in the world, and adults have a responsibility to protect children from suffering. For this reason, adults should try to use children’s language when talking to children, observe their reactions, and pay close attention to their anxiety.
If you can’t answer your child’s question, don’t guess. Take this as an opportunity to explore the answers with them. The information is available on the websites of international organizations such as UNICEF and the World Health Organization. Children should also remember that there is a lot of information online, but not all of the information is accurate.
(From the UNICEF website)
Don’t avoid the new crown epidemic
Step by step
Don’t give too much information; your child may not be able to afford it.
Try to answer your child’s questions.
Give honest and straightforward answers whenever possible.
It doesn’t matter if you don’t give the answer; the most important thing is to be with your child.
Get clues from kids
Encourage them to say what they think.
Allow them to ask questions when they need it.
Avoid encouraging fear and irritable thoughts.
Show your child how to protect himself and his friends.
Encourage children to wash their hands frequently as this is a great way to protect them from coronavirus and other diseases in 2019. Just tell your children to wash their hands often, without mentioning the things that scare them. You can sing or dance to learn how to wash your hands in a fun way.
You can also teach your child how to cover his mouth with his elbows when they cough or sneeze and tell them that it’s best not to get too close to the person who coughs or sneezes. Inform your parents or teacher as soon as you feel you have a fever, cough, or difficulty breathing.
Try to reassure your child.
When we see many disturbing images on TV or on the Internet, we sometimes feel that the crisis is near. The same goes for children, who may not be able to distinguish the screen image from the reality in which they find themselves and believe that the danger is on their side. If possible, give your child a chance to relax and help him relieve stress. Try to keep a regular schedule as much as possible, especially routine activities before bedtime. If the environment changes, help your child organize new programs and everyday activities in the new environment.
The outbreak has occurred in your area, and your child has been affected; please tell your child that many adults work hard and fight disease to ensure everyone’s safety.
Though the child is not feeling well, make appropriate arrangements in a timely manner. If you have symptoms like fever, cough, or wheezing, see a doctor soon. If you need to rest at home, explain to your child that you need to stay at home so that they and their friends are more confident. Explain to your child that staying home for a long time is challenging, sometimes dull, and even frightened, but listening to the opinions of professionals and following the rules can help protect yourself and others.
Observe if your child is experiencing or spreading discrimination.
During the outbreak, there have been numerous reports of discrimination around the world, so please carefully observe that your child has not been bullied or promoted bullying.
Explain to your child that the virus has nothing to do with how a person looks, where it comes from, or what language they speak. If they are mistreated or bullied at school, they should say so without hesitation to the parent or teacher.
Please remind the children that everyone should be safe in school. Bullying is always wrong. Each of us should do our part to spread goodwill and support each other. Coronavirus
Tell the story of helpers for children.
Make sure your child knows that the people around them show kindness and helpfulness.
Share the stories of groups and individuals with scientists, health workers, and community workers, volunteers who are working to contain the epidemic and protect public health and tell them that many young people are included. Letting the child know that many people are taking action will bring excellent security to the child. Coronavirus
Take care of yourself
You can only help your child better if you can handle the situation right now. Your child will feel your reaction to various messages, so your rationality and calm will also help your child.
If you feel anxious, take some time and ask for help from family, friends, or trusted people. Take your time and do something that relaxes you to return to a good state.
End conversation with love
Do not end a conversation with a child while they are still upset. Before ending the conversation, consider the degree of anxiety of the child, such as observing their body language, seeing if their tone is the same as usual, and paying attention to their breathing rhythm.
Remind your child to discuss the issues that trouble them at any time. Tell them that you care about them and are willing to listen.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is a headache a symptom of the coronavirus disease?
The virus can cause a variety of symptoms, ranging from mild disease to pneumonia. The symptoms of the disease are fever, cough, sore throat, and headache. Coronavirus