Top 3 Ingredients You Need in an Enterprise Cybersecurity System


In today’s cyber world, cyber crime is becoming an increasing threat to governments and businesses. Cisco’s SVP of Security, John N. Stewart, has stated:

“It’s really quite simple: The more attack vectors that go unnoticed and the longer we allow attackers time to exploit our systems and infrastructure, the greater their chance for success. It’s on us to close that opportunity.”

What Needs to Be Included in Modern Enterprise Security?

If you are a corporate IT security director concerned about security threats, closing that opportunity means having an enterprise-level security solution to protect your company’s proprietary data. To ensure this security solution completely protects your IT system, it should include three essential features:

  • Predictive technology
  • Intrusion prevention
  • Intrusion detection

What is Predictive Cybersecurity – Early Warning System?

Protecting against cyber attacks is not that different from preventing disease in that prevention makes curing the infection much simpler. Like epidemiologists who prepare flu vaccines to work against specific strains of influenza, one cybersecurity solution is prevention against known attacks. In fact, the earlier in the process data is collected on a threat, the more quickly a solution can be implemented.

Proper predictive cybersecurity includes a large installation base to automatically report data on cyber attacks for analysis and hardening against the specific threat.

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What is Required for Endpoint Security for Prevention – Enemy at the Gates?

Cyber attacks are devious. They gain access to your IT network through a variation of entry points or “attack vectors.” Two common attack vectors are network servers and connected devices. Corporate networks can install a firewall, a software solution running on a standard network server or a hardware/software solution on a custom appliance. Other common cyber security solutions include security on individual connected devices. A common assumption is that corporations “harden the perimeter” preventing malware from attacking the server and remote devices as a matter of course.

Using Next Generation Firewall and Endpoint Security technologies is part and parcel of modern enterprise cyber security solutions. The most advanced of these perimeter technologies implement firewalls and endpoint security that:

  • Have automatic access to the newest intelligence on cyber threats
  • Can be automatically hardened against threats
  • Are smart enough to recognize potential unidentified threats and defend against them

What is the Solution for Intrusion Detection and Remediation?

Unfortunately, even the best cyber security solutions can’t protect against all attacks leading to breaches such as Home Depot and Target experienced. The Ingram Micro Advisor reported on the timeline of a security breach, noting that

“60 percent of stolen data is taken within the first few hours of an attack, but a large percentage of attacks go unnoticed, allowing hackers to steal data and other sensitive information for months, even years, as long as they remain undetected.”

Acknowledging this potential situation, an enterprise cyber security solution requires the ability to:

  • Quickly identify an ongoing cyber attack
  • Limit damage by neutralizing attack
  • Provide granular data about the attack’s activity from the point of the breach until neutralization