How revolutionize mouthpieces solves snoring problems

How revolutionize mouthpieces solves snoring problems

What causes snoring?

Snoring is caused when the nasal and throat airways are blocked, the trapped air will then cause the soft tissues and muscles at the back of the throat to vibrate and this causes the snoring sounds to erupt. If you are experiencing interrupted sleep due to snoring or if you have a partner that snores then it is worth into looking remedies to curb the snoring issue; long term sleep disruption may cause health problems and will affect the quality of your lifestyle.

There are many reasons why a person may start snoring; weight gain, sleep apnea, sinus infection, allergies and perhaps an undiagnosed health condition may be causing the snoring. It is worth identifying what has changed in your life or body to pinpoint the root cause of the snoring so a suitable anti-snoring remedy can be found.

What is an Anti-Snoring mouthpiece?

There are many types of anti-snoring devices that are able to be found in the current market and one of the most common devices used by snorers to help with snoring are mouthpieces. A mouthpiece is a evasive sort of anti-snoring device that is inserted into the mouth before sleep; the device is usually made out of dental resin or non-harmful plastic to fit into the mouth.

Mouthpieces can be easily obtained over-the-counter or online but you can also custom-make it with a dentist. Custom made mouthpieces are generally pricier than the devices that are more easily available due to the personalization of the fit and the high-grade materials used by the dentist. This does not mean that the mouthpieces that are available over-the-counter or online are not up for the job, you can probably find a device that works well for you that costs way less compared a device that is custom made by a dentist.

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Types of mouthpieces

There are two types of anti-snoring mouthpieces that are currently popular in use and the differences in mouthpieces are in terms of how they function to stop a person from snoring.


A Mandibular Advancement Device (MADs) this is a anti-snoring mouthpiece that moves the lower mandible forward when it is inserted into the mouth before sleep. Once the lower jaw is moved forward, the MADs device also may hold the tongue in place so it does not fall back into the throat; this helps to clear the airway and the snorer will be able to breathe freely thus stopping the body from snoring. A MADs device will can be customized to fit the user’s mouth; this feature is called “boil-and-bite” and it is done before the device can be be used to achieve a personalized fit. The mouthpiece should be able to fit the teeth snugly after the “boil-and-bite” process and some MADs also come with a adjustment feature that can push forward the lower part of the mouthpiece so the lower mandible can be moved into a position that is most comfortable for the user.


A Tongue Retaining Device (TRDs) is the other type of anti-snoring mouthpiece that helps to curb snoring and unlike a Mandibular Advancement Device it does not move the position of the lower mandible, this device holds the tongue forward gently so it does not fall back and block the airway at the back of throat. Once the tongue has been removed from blocking the airway, the sleeper can breathe more easily and the snoring can curbed. A TRD type device is usually not customizable as it comes in a one-size-fits-all feature.

Choosing the right mouthpiece for you

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Anti-snoring mouthpieces that are currently marketed for snorers are usually made with high-grade materials that are safe to use on a long-term basis. If you have any allergies that are triggered by latex or rubber then you just need to do some extensive research to find mouthpiece options that may fit your body.

The technological advancements that have been implemented with anti-snoring mouthpieces are astounding as there are some devices that can even be used if you wear dentures or have retains; this used to be a hindrance to using mouthpieces but innovative creators have invented ways to make mouthpieces to have the ability to accommodate braces or dentures. Advancements like equipping the mouthpiece to have adjustable features (for MADs type of devices) at the lower jaw area is also very helpful for users as not all standard measurements will feel comfortable for all users. The inclusion of moveable hinges and the “boil-and-bite” process are advantages for the snorer to have these features help to make the mouthpiece more comfortable to use while trying to curb the snoring issue.

A mouthpiece that’s easily bought online or over-the-counter is more affordable option to consider rather than having the anti-snoring device custom made from a doctor. Companies these days also provide good warranties and after-sales care and if the device is damaged or need to changed after prolonged use, it is not too expensive and you won’t have to break the bank to get a replacement.

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